Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell Discusses Oklahoma Manufacturing
Check out this special message from Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell celebrating #ManufacturingMonth in Oklahoma!
Manufacturing is the backbone of our economy, driving innovation, creating jobs, and building a brighter future for our state. Manufacturing companies employ 130,000 Oklahomans and contribute more than $18 billion to our economy each year. From aerospace and agriculture to energy and transportation, manufacturers keep our local communities thriving.
#MFGInOklahoma #ManufacturingMatters #MFGDay24 #SeeYourselfInMFG
Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance: Coming Soon
Something new is on the horizon: A place where manufacturing meets cutting-edge technology, propelling state industry toward an innovative future. Stay tuned as the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance launches this high-tech center.
OIEP Boosting Oklahoma Manufacturing Innovation
The Oklahoma Innovation Expansion Program (OIEP) makes funding available for qualifying companies across the state to supports high-impact new capital investment. It's a great way for small and medium-sized manufacturers to invest in new technologies.
Learn more here ...
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The Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance partnered with Oklahoma CareerTech recently to give instructors a real-world look at advanced manufacturing concepts. For educators, a comprehensive understanding is indispensable in preparing young people for the demands of the contemporary workforce. As industry undergoes rapid technological transformations, teachers equipped with knowledge about advanced manufacturing can better guide students toward relevant and future-oriented demands of the job market. This proficiency can enhance students' problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and creativity, helping them pursue careers in high-tech production.
Instructors Get Real-World Look at Advanced Manufacturing
The Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance partnered with Oklahoma CareerTech recently to give instructors a real-world look at advanced manufacturing concepts. For educators, a comprehensive understanding is indispensable in preparing young people for the demands of the contemporary workforce. As industry undergoes rapid technological transformations, teachers equipped with knowledge about advanced manufacturing can better guide students toward relevant and future-oriented demands of the job market. This proficiency can enhance students' problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and creativity, helping them pursue careers in high-tech production.
Oklahoma Registered Apprenticeship Programs
It's National Apprenticeship Week and we want you to meet Kylie. She's a manufacturing apprentice at TAT Limco in Tulsa. She's learning from the best while expanding her career options.
Workforce OMA, an initiative of the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, coordinates registered apprenticeship programs to help companies improve the skills of their employees. Workforce OMA can guide your company through a program designed and implemented specifically to meet your needs, partnering with key stakeholders to set you up for success. Financial incentives exist to help Oklahoma manufacturers.
For more information or to apply for your company to be a part of the apprenticeship program, contact Workforce OMA Director Dr. Sharon Harrison at [email protected]
Meet Manufacturing Extension Agent Kristina Wadley
Meet Kristina Wadley, an extension agent with the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance. As a trusted advisor, she works with companies to help them grow and optimize production. It's made possible through a true alliance, which includes MidAmerica Industrial Park, Tulsa Ports, Claremore Industrial & Economic Development Authority - CIEDA, and Rogers County Development.
It's National Apprenticeship Week and a perfect time for Oklahoma manufacturers to launch programs to improve the skills of their employees. Workforce OMA, an initiative of the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, can help.
Workforce OMA can guide your company through a program designed and implemented specifically to meet your needs, partnering with key stakeholders to set you up for success.
Financial incentives exist to help Oklahoma manufacturers. Companies that create a registered apprenticeship program can receive up to $3,000 per apprentice and up to $12,000 per occupation, with a $24,000 cap for single employers.
For more information or to apply for your company to be a part of the apprenticeship program, contact Workforce OMA Director Dr. Sharon Harrison at [email protected]
Meet Kylie, A Manufacturing Apprentice
Meet Kylie. She's a manufacturing apprentice at TAT Limco in Tulsa. She's learning from the best while expanding her career options.
Workforce OMA, an initiative of the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, coordinates registered apprenticeship programs to help companies improve the skills of their employees.
Workforce OMA can guide your company through a program designed and implemented specifically to meet your needs, partnering with key stakeholders to set you up for success.
Financial incentives exist to help Oklahoma manufacturers. Companies that create a registered apprenticeship program can receive up to $3,000 per apprentice and up to $12,000 per occupation, with a $24,000 cap for single employers.
For more information or to apply for your company to be a part of the apprenticeship program, contact Workforce OMA Director Dr. Sharon Harrison at [email protected]
Apprenticeships Are Working For Oklahoma Manufacturers
Workforce OMA, an initiative of the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, has launched a new registered apprenticeship program to help companies improve the skills of their employees.
Workforce OMA can guide your company through a program designed and implemented specifically to meet your needs, partnering with key stakeholders to set you up for success.
Financial incentives exist to help Oklahoma manufacturers. Companies that create a registered apprenticeship program can receive up to $3,000 per apprentice and up to $12,000 per occupation, with a $24,000 cap for single employers.
For more information or to apply for your company to be a part of the apprenticeship program, contact Workforce OMA Director Dr. Sharon Harrison at [email protected]
Connex Oklahoma is Your One-Stop Source for Making Critical Connections
Are you an Oklahoma manufacturer looking for new opportunities? Do you have surplus materials or equipment? Visit Connex Oklahoma and check out our free online supplier marketplace. It’s your one-stop source for making critical connections. Highlight your capabilities and boost your competitiveness now.
Connex Oklahoma is a unique online platform developed by the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. It allows manufacturers to connect, find alternate suppliers, explore production capabilities, and view their supply chain virtually. Just as important, it also helps manufacturers identify single-supplier risks, and find opportunities for diversification in their supply chain.
If you haven't confirmed your Connex Oklahoma profile, do it today: