A piece of our Congressman Grijalva's declared commitment to the right to choose abortion as a basic human right.
Vigil on year anniversary of attempted insurrection
Say NO to Fascism!
Thursday, January 6th
6:30 to 7:30 pm
3303 East 22nd St
South side of Reid Park
parking on the west side of Lakeshore Lane
Tucson, AZ 85713
In honor of the thousands of stolen, tortured and murdered indigenous children and the passionate demand of all outraged people for Truth, "reparations", JUSTICE and any chance for Reconciliation today. Not one more indigenous life desecrated. No more Murdered or Missing Indigenous Women, Children, People's!
Solidaridad.Internacional con Palestina - Stop funding blood and Death in Palestine! #l#PalestineIsColombiaIsHaiti. #ColombiaEsPalestina
#FreeThemAll Eloy Migrant Detention Center. - Caravana contra Condena Coronavirus -
Car-a-van Against COVID-19 Death Sentences - USA extra-judicial killings! Free Them All!
#AbolishICE #LiberenLxsTodxs
#FreeThemAll Eloy Migrant Detention Center. - Caravana contra Condena Coronavirus -
Car-a-van Against COVID-19 Death Sentences - USA extra-judicial killings! Free Them All!
#AbolishICE #LiberenLxsTodxs
#FreeThemAll Eloy Migrant Detention Center. - Caravana contra Condena Coronavirus -
Car-a-van Against COVID-19 Death Sentences - USA extra-judicial killings! Free Them All!
#AbolishICE #LiberenLxsTodxs
Coronavirus car protest to free inmate s from pima county jail
Coronavirus car protest to free inmate s from pima county jail
Tucson against war and empire
Join the Rhumba Revolucionaria below in support of Peace Accord!!
~~ from Raquel Mogollón in Bogotá during record-breaking outpouring of Colombians demanding Justice.
This is the energy, power and beauty of the Colombian people lifting the spirits in the third day of their National Strike against the US-backed and funded, Duque/Uribe neo-liberal, death-squad regime in spite of police and military repression, tear gas everywhere, "non-lethal" weapons, concussion grenades, and an 18 yr old youth who was gravely injured today just blocks from our hotel in a 99% peaceful protest with pots and pans throughout the capitol city, Bogotá, and the whole country!
US solidarity now! Call to demand US Congress end all military aid to Colombia AND for Trump to stop demanding "forced eradication" by spraying tons of Monsanto glyphosate on "illicit" crops and campesinos who are in voluntary crop substitution processes as developed in the Peace Accord.