Starr & Starry: DLH
Book overview
A Special Message from ALM Projects & Young Brainz to his Readers
Dear Love Bugs,
When my agent suggested that I pen Starr & Starry -DLH an addition to the epic TSOG’s series, I was delighted by the idea, but I knew it wouldn’t be easy. This new novel would have to walk in the footsteps of two hugely successful predecessors —TSOG I & II. The original characters, Ricky and Devon, are both well into their forties, a bit too mature to be running around doing some of the crazy stuff that I usually like to write about! So, I came with the great Idea of Starr & Starry back on the hustle game. These particularly original character ‘Ricky’ from TSOG will take you to places where you have not been before and he will enlighten you with his past. Nevertheless, I accepted the task and, in the process, I created this amazing, multi-dimensional, and complex teenage tr*******al female character from Ricky, aka “Starr & Starry.” Starry and Starr is the same person. During the day a man and a woman at night. Starry B Hanrahan was fatherless since child birth, but Starry had so much heart and s***k in her that her persona began to dominate the projects and the prison system. She quickly became obvious to everyone that Starry needed her own book. As a vivid reader (because I feel I’m a reader first than a writer), I felt we needed to delve deeper into the characters past, Starry's aka Starr, aka Ricky, past and background is a mystery to be told, and as the reader that I am, I do care more about Ricky’s story before Starry made her debut in this next installment of Starr & Starry: DLH I & II. And before the entire journey had run its course, Johnson ALM Projects boss, like him, had fallen in love with Starr & Starry. Once his publisher and agent got the behind-the-scenes business done, ALM found out that Starr & Starry: DLH would be a summer release—my first ever. Up until now, all of my novels have been published in the winter. I can’t begin to count the letters and emails I’ve received from you, my readers, expressing how hard it is to wait an entire year between novels, so I knew that you would love this baby.
Confessions; I don’t know but maybe it was because Starr & Starry’s s***k reminded me so much of myself (many, many years ago). Growing up, I was also estranged from my father, and I’d always longed to know him and for him to know the real me. Ironically after I had finished writing this book, I vowed to do all I could to find my father. Thank God that I have a great male role model in which is my grandfather, who, along with my grandmother, somewhat raised me. They managed to teach me well. My grandparents were the absolute best and did a phenomenal job with me, but there is nothing like the bond between a father and a Tr*******al. I’m eager to see how our relationship develops if I do find him. Sorry for my digression. I didn’t mean to get so personal but if I can’t share this with you, my loyal readers, and then who can I share my beautiful stories with then? Anyway, there were times in this book when I would stop and laugh and read aloud, and on a few occasions, I would even speak out loud to the characters. Sometimes the tears just rolled down my eyes without a warning. This was an unusual project because my characters speak to me all the time, like they did to me with Ricky and Devon in TSOG, but it’s rare that I find myself reversing the roles as well. I had too much fun writing this book. I know it was supposed to be a treat for you but it was a real delight for me! Starr & Starry: DLH is one of the most unforgettable female protagonists that I’ve created since the infamous Ricky of TSOG. And I’m willing to bet the farm that once you read Starry’s story and get to know her like I did, you will love her too! Now, with no further ado … here’s my newest baby, Starr & Starry: DLH.
Starr & Starry: DLH