"Start a school like LeBron James, support the schools you have in place. Don't be anti-intellectual... Black people ask me, Well, what you do besides write books – N** I wtite books!"
—Michael Eric Dyson
"Slavery didn't end. It just changed address..."
It's #BlackAugust, do you know why?"
Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley and activist Charlene Carruthers at #NABJ18 Dr. King's Legacy: Civil Rights Then & Now
#audiosnippet #blackaugust #quotable #fictionmatters
"[I]f we end oppression against Black women, will require the dismantling of so many systems that everybody else will be freed up at the same time... So, if your work is about Black people, and you are not paying attention to the work people are doing to stop the killing of Black women, both trans women and non-trans women, your work is incomplete." –Charlene Carruthers
The Combahee River Collective (quoted by Charlene Carruthers in the audio extract) was formed in the 1970's and itself refers to a raid led by Harriet Tubman to free almost a thousand enslaved in the Port Royal region of South Carolina during the U.S. Civil War.
The movement for Black lives is indeed looong, a mirror reaching back further even than this.
#BlackAugust #unapologetic #NABJbriefs #quotable #newsliteracy #blacklivesmatter #queereye #blacktranswomen #nabj #nabj18
"You ain't in office no more, so ain't nobody gon' kill you for liking Negroes more than you should." –Michael Eric Dyson
Can you guess who he's talking about? Hear an audio extract of Michael Eric Dyson at Dr. King's Legacy: Civil Rights Then & Now #NABJ18
#NABJbriefs #quotables #fictionmatters#mediaroom #blacklivesmatter✊🏿#freethepress
#detroitfreepress #newsliteracy
SFM | Ep. C : An Instinctive Conclusion —Maternal Wellness
Begin a journey of fiction-healing with art therapist Rochelle Trotman-Norman of Baby Bee Wellness for Moms
Her story originally appears at BabyBee Maternal Wellness: https://www.babybeematernalwellness.com/
SFM | Ep. B : What does fiction mean to Amy Goodman?
"You can actually get at the truth even more with fiction—or I should say, get at the truths... People's truths. I don't think there's one single truth."
—Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!
SFM | Ep. A : Who GAVE you that fiction??
Habari ya kubuniwa unaishi inapaswa kuwa gani unachagua na haipaswi kuwa kile unaagopa kuishi bila.
The fiction you live should be the one you choose, and NOT the one you are afraid to live without.
3 / 363: This year, PHX Startup Week 2018 is taking off from the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center. Hear why I’m excited about this (😆😆) and then BE there for a week of discussions, panels, and workshops designed to get your business (or idea) to the next level.
Come on and hebu tuamke ndoto— Let’s #getup a dream.
Pop your sweater in the desert cause you’re cool like that this Feb at PHX Startup Week 2018 happening at the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center.
Be there, and hebu ndoto tuamke — Let’s #getup a dream.
#FictionMatters #yesphx #BlackWallStreet #entrepreneurship
SOSOADAE LIVE Lunch Break: What were your essential fictions (...
SOSOADAE Lunch Break: What were the first stories given to you?
SOSOADAE Live on Saturday: Why #FictionMatters
SOSOADAE Live on Saturday: Why #FictionMatters - "All you really need to know right now is that if science is the analogy, story is darkmatter and fiction, the dark energy that comprises the many principles and formulas of our universe that will lead us to the truth and beyond that, to our potential."