Some Things To Think About From The GG&G Red White And Blue
American Team!
You May Agree Or Disagree, But Please Give This Some Thought!
As you celebrate America’s Independence Day this July 4th, be proud of being an American citizen! At the same time, be a defender, a promoter and champion of the American Way of Life. A way of life our forefathers and the Freedom Warriors after them not only risked their lives, many paid with their lives as the price to promote and protect Liberty and Freedoms for all American citizens. It’s important for us to understand that Liberty and Freedom for American citizens should never be restricted by race, s*x, religion, party or class.
So what is Liberty? What is Freedom? The concept of Liberty emphasizes the importance of individual rights and the limitations of government power. Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by any authority on one's way of life, or political views.
Freedom is more focused on the ability of individuals to pursue their own interests. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution specifically guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression and speech, assembly, and the right to petition.
Equality is a word that is brought up a lot today. Can we as American citizens experience true Freedom without equality? NO!
But equality does not mean that we are or should be the same. It means that the opportunities created by the atmosphere embodied in Liberty and Freedom should be available to all American citizens in order for each individual to achieve with integrity and honesty, their specific manner of life and living for themselves and their families.
Freedom and Liberty require our responsibility to maintain them. Freedom is not bestowed upon any of us. It must be earned and achieved by vigilance, persistence and determination by strong willed and self-disciplined, responsible American men and women. Our government should never have final word and never be the final determiner of our rights to Freedom and Liberty. If you do nothing else, VOTE!
Having said all that, the GG&G Red White And Blue Crew hope you and your families have a wonderful Independence Day holiday and wish you and your family experience victory in all your endeavors.
Always Remember To Inhale Strength And Courage And Exhale Fear And Defeat!
Be Unbeatable!
Be A Proud American!