230 million years ago, Traumatocrinus hsuixi thrived in the ancient seas of what is now Guizhou, China. Crinoids are enchinoderms related to starfish and brittle stars. They anchored to the sea floor, using feathery arms to filter plankton.
Unlike earlier periods, crinoids were rare in the Triassic, making T. hsuixi a remarkable find. Its exquisitely preserved fossils offer a glimpse into life's resilience after Permian extinction, revealing the intricate beauty of Earth's prehistoric oceans.
Fossil Crinoid | Traumatocrinus hsuixi | Guizhou, China | Triassic | 230 Million Years Old
✨Available for sale. DM or email me at: [email protected] for details.✨
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #mineralfossilcoop #paleontology #crinoids #triassic #fossiladdict #fossilsforsale #tucsongemshow #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
My day at the office...
We are all working so hard to prepare for the upcoming Tucson Mineral & Fossil Showcase 2025 in January-February.
I get to play in our Tumbled Stones container and get it all ready for the Show.
Please keep in mind, all of our tumbled stones are available for wholesale year round. I am available for in-person appointments and live-video appointments Monday through Friday and would be happy to help you restock your Tumbled Stones inventory.
Will you be attending this year's Show?
Please book an appointment with me, so that I can give you my full attention during the hustle and bustle of Show time.
✨DM or email me at: [email protected] to book an appointment or to discuss your tumbled stones needs.✨
#geoworldgallery #mineralfossilcoop #tucsongemshow #tumbledstones #crystals #wholesale #tucson #geologyrocks #crystalhealing #appointmentsavailable #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
Christmas fabulousness with a fabulous crowd, and a stellar band.
It is always a great pleasure to find myself in Scottsdale.
I just finished setting up for Moderno Porcelain Works' Porcelain Slab Expo Jingle & Mingle. I have come to spread the Geoword. What a lovely afternoon to spend with friends and industry partners.
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #modernoporcelainworks #scottsdaleevents #holiday #jingleandmingle #asidaznorth #holidayshopping #luxurylifestyle #italiandesign #biophilicdesign #interiordesign #homedecor #minerals #fossils #crystals #meteorites #scottsdale #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
Happy Fossil Friday!
Meet Edmontosaurus, one of the most iconic herbivorous dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous period. Known for its large, duck-billed snout, this gentle giant roamed what is now North America 75 million years ago. With its strong jaws and hundreds of teeth, Edmontosaurus could easily munch through tough plants and leaves, fueling its massive body. Fossilized skin impressions show it likely had a scaly, leathery texture, giving us an amazing glimpse into its appearance. Edmontosaurus co-existed with Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. This specimen has evidence of a T-Rex tooth mark. A fascinating addition to the serious collection.
Fossil Dinosaur Vertebrae Collection
Edmontosaurus sp. | Hell Creek Formation | South Dakota, USA | Cretaceous | 75 Million Years Old
Available for sale.
DM me or email me at: [email protected] for details and private negotiations.
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #stefanopiccini #geoworld #fineart #naturalart #naturalhistory #fossiladdict #paleontology #specimen #dinosaur #fossilsforsale #luxurylifestyle #italiandesign #tucsongemshow #tucson #fossilfriday #mariingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
I am out in Laguna Beach, California for an @asidoc event this evening. And will be stopping in to the myriad galleries, boutiques and museums that I love out here over the next number of days. We decided that the Geoword needed to be brought to Southern California. I heeded the Call.
Please stop by the JOGS Fall Showcase Gem & Jewelry Show 2024 from August 29th - September 1st.
I will be spreading the Geoword in Booth #E-513 & E-612.
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
JOGS Fall Showcase at the Tucson Expo Center
3750 E. Irvington Rd.
Tucson, Az 85714
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #stefanopiccini #geoworld #mineralfossilcoop #jogs #jogs2024 #jogsfallshow #jogsfallshow2024 #fossils #minerals #meteorites #gemstonejewelry #tumbledstones #retail #wholesale #gemshow #gemshowtucson #gemshowtucson2024 #visittucson #thisistucson #tucsonarizona #matiingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
What do workaholic geology nerds named Mari do with themselves on a beautiful Sunday in Tucson? Why, they head into work and go rainbow and phantom hunting in the new minerals that just came in from Italy!
My hunt has proven to be an immense success.
Happy Sunday!
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #stefanopiccini #geoworld #mineralfossilcoop #fineartgallery #naturalart #luxurylifestyle #biophilicdesign #geologyrocks #minerals #crystals #rainbows #phantoms #mineralsforsale #tucsonshopping #tucsongemshow #sundayfunday #mariingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
Happy Fossil Friday!
You have seen our Apatosaurus femur on my page before…
But have you seen our extraordinary Apatosaurus scapula?
The scapula is the flat, triangular bone that most of us know as the “shoulder bone”. This one belonged to one of the largest land animals that has ever existed. Apatosaurus could measure up to 80 feet in length, and could weigh as much as 30 tons. This sauropod had sturdier and less elongated legs, and had a long and unusually slim and bullwhip like tail.
Available for sale.
DM me at @mari_in_geoworld or email me at: [email protected] for details.
Scientific name: Apatosaurus
Origin: Wyoming, USA
Period: Jurassic
Age: 155 Million Years Old
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #stefanopiccini #geoworld #fineart #naturalart #naturalartgallery #fineartgallery #paleontology #fossilsforsale #fossilfriday #biophilicdesign #interiordesign #stem #geologyrocks #fossiladdict #tucsongemshow #visittucson #tucson #mariingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
Good morning from sunny Tucson, all!
It is a beautiful day in the Old Pueblo.
Here is a clip of my morning coffee spot.
I cannot express how happy it makes me to be pursuing my passion. I have loved Natural History and Art since I was a child, in the field with my Naturalist, Art Educator and Wildlife Artist mother in the High Rocky Mountains of Western Colorado. I cannot express the joy that I feel every day that I get to go to work, and be around and work with such a superlative collection. You see, what I really am is a nerd. You must be careful with me- if you do not want to hear me nerd out about minerals and fossils and meteorites, or art history; my suggestion is to never mention those things in my presence. Be warned. You know, we are open by appointment year-round. I would be the lady with whom to make an appointment.
DM me at @mari_in_geoworld or email me at: [email protected].
A World of Infinite Wonder awaits you…
#geoworldgallery #bespokenature #stefanopiccini #fineartgallery #naturalart #interiordesign #biophilicdesign #naturalhistory #fossiladdict #geologyrocks #visittucson #tucsongallery #tucsonshopping #tucson #mariingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld
“Enchinoderm Symphony in C-major”
Fossil Sea Lily Quartet
Seirocrinus subangularis
Origin: Holzmaden, Germany
Period: Lower Jurassic
Age: 185 Million Year Old
My favorite crinoid plaque in Geoworld Gallery.
Available for sale.
DM me at @mari_in_geoworld or email me at:
[email protected] for details.
#geoworldgallery #stefanopiccini #bespokenature #fineartgallery #fineart #naturalart #naturalhistory #crinoid #sealily #holzmaden #fossilsforsale #jurassic #fossiladdict #paleontology #geologyrocks #biophilicdesign #interiordesign #homedecor #visittucson #tucsonshopping #tucson #mariingeoworld #theadventuresofmariingeoworld