A very valuable lesson I have learned (the hard way) during my journey as a private event and wedding DJ is the power of saying "no" and how huge of an impact it has on the happiness and satisfaction of not only myself, but my clients as well.
❌️ Early on, I felt that as a self-employed entertainer, that meant I had to keep my calendar as full as possible, and I had to say yes to every would-be client that was willing to hire me.
While doing that, I can't tell you how many times a seemingly perfect client or event came knocking on my door that I had to say no to because I had said yes to the first person willing to sign a contract.
Totally unfair to the person(s) that hired me, I couldn't help but wish the other person had come along first.
💡that's where "NO" comes in. I have learned to interview potential clients just as they sometimes interview me. I ONLY want to work your event if it puts me in a position to give it my best. My "best" will look different from one event to the next but it will always get my all before and during your celebration.
⛔️ when I say "no", I don't mean it or say it disrespectfully but I say it for the benefit of everyone involved. It's never personal, its just that I know now what leads me to my best work and that's all I am willing to offer; my best.
🗓 this means that instead of being booked every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday that I may only be working 3 - 4 weddings a month on average. I'm okay with that. I am working just as hard if not more than I ever have but now I use much more discretion before I send out a contract or take a deposit and my energy is spread between fewer clients.
✅️ dor us to match, you have to want to go as hard for your wedding as I want to. You have to want your party to be as successful as I want it to be.
If you're getting married in 2023 or 2024 and want to LOVE celebrating your love, let's talk!
I know that was long winded but if you made it this far, stay tuned for some big news coming next week!