Tell me there's not a Speeding Issue On 1st Street Between Polk And Main Street!!! Calling All Troy Police And Troy Police Traffic Enforcement Officers!!! S.O.S
Troy, N.Y Spring Avenue 2nd Alarm Fire 5/08/23.
Just An Awareness News Video.
PLEASE SHARE!! Troy, More Deplorable Photos And Scenes From Inside Of The Elliot. People Served Food With Less Quality Of A Fast Food Gas Station. People's Medications Late 💊 Late Or Never Arriving. Are They Indeed Recieving Their Controlled Substances? Or Are They Being Skimmed? Fights With Weapons Between The Elderly. This Place Is Off The Hook. S.O.S Send Help Soon!!! Do We Want Our Seniors And Vulnerable Persons To Actually Go Through These Everyday Issues??
Troy,When asked by Susan Steele if Councilwoman Irene Sorriento had a question she pretty much came out with this and let Council Woman/Public Safety Chairwoman Susan Steele Have It!! Seeing that Susan Steele pretty much acted like she had no time for the intrest of public safety and or the people she represents and works for by attempting to use committee rules to Gag Our Comments Irene Sorriento was the voice of us all and we were all very grateful. Below is a statement from Councilwoman Sorriento as to her take on public safety and it clearly shows just how Disconnected Susan Steele is on the matter of (Public Safety) ("In General. At this evening’s Public Safety Committee Meeting, the room was packed with concerned residents and Fire personnel. Many took their time away from their families to attend, wishing to speak at the meeting as they have concerns. They were not here because they were bored or like to attend meetings just because for no reason. They had concerns.
Unfortunately, one of the council members, Sue Steele who is the chairperson of the public safety committee refused to allow any public comment. However, she made an exception for two residents to speak after the pressure was given to her by the public and Council President Carmella R. Mantello because these residents were impacted last week from a terrible fire they experienced at their residence. Mind you that Fire personnel were still not allowed to speak at the meeting.
We have a big issue here folks with the staffing levels we are all experiencing which is the same staffing level as it was in 1996. Same staffing levels as it was 27 years ago.
I presented a statement this evening of my concern along with many of my constituents concerns of our safety and the response I received from the Public Safety Committee Chairperson was that my statement was political. I’m sorry, but safety should not involve politics. I was also told by this same chairperson that my statement should go to the