The fortnightly News Magazine Dinbadal is the nationwide Bangle language News Magazine will being distribute freely all across the United States with an experienced journalism and marketing resource
News Magazine Dinbadal is the widely circulated news magazine is serving the South Asian, Bengali speaking community predominantly in United states of America. With 2,101 copies in circulation, this 40
page colorful fortnightly is freely distributed throughout the New York New Jersey,Connecticut, Philadelphia, California, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC. The Bengali community is the fastest growing demographic with ever-growing purchasing power. Overlooked by most Corporate Business Houses, the Bengali community is full of highly educated families who live together, buying houses, refinancing, purchasing automobiles, home and life insurances and frequently sending money to their families overseas with their stable incomes. News Magazine Dinbadal can be the best platform for expanding any business market to include a fast growing demographic in the United States. Thank you for taking the time to read about News Magazine Dinbadal .If you have any questions, would like to place an ad, or request a copy of News Magazine Dinbadal , please contact us directly at 973-997-9259 or 347-345-7734 . We look forward to working with you and helping your business reach the Bangle community.