WE ARE Writers, Actors, Producers, Editors & Directors who share in the creative process of bringing to life a scene, play, screenplay, story, poem or prose. WHAT WE DO:
We read each other’s material & comment on it. WHERE & WHEN:
--Every Wednesday evening at 7PM.
-- TU Studios in North Hollywood
10943 Camarillo Street, 91602
--To bring the writer’s material out of the drawer & int
o the world so it can flourish & grow.
--To invigorate the actor by reading.
--To share our critical eye by attending regularly & listening to other members work.
--To provide a safe place to broaden our experience of writing through the developmental process.
--To encourage & support members producing or participating in public performances of works-in-progress, staged readings, or full scale production of completed works developed in the group.
--To help each other to learn, publish, sell, produce, etc. through networking. PROCEDURE:
--Writers with material to read before the group ask Moderator to be put on the Rotation.
--Moderator lists names in the order they come.
--An updated Rotation list is available each week for writers to check to see when they are scheduled.
--Writers are responsible for confirming with the Moderator by the Sunday before they are up.
--Each week, distribute material to be read – professional Writers Group actors given priority. --Actors who write are encouraged to give their own work to other actors to read, in order to hear the writing more objectively.
--Writer/s introduces material, gives synopsis if necessary &/or tells audience what they want from the read.
--Read material.
--Four reading sessions per night.
--Sessions are filled in order from the Rotation list.
--If a scheduled writer has to drop out, their spot is filled first by someone from the next week on the Rotation then from The Hot List, a list of writers who can be ready at the drop of a hat.
--Comments/Questions after each reading.
--Read short pieces whenever possible, with no critique, to encourage newer writers, to help blocked or timid writers, or to fill-in when a scheduled member is absent.
--Writers are encouraged to bring their short pieces each week.
--When a longer work developed in the group is finished, a writer may request an evening in which to read the complete work, or request an honorarium to rent space for a separate reading.
--Flaps & conflicts over procedures, or reports of discourteous, disrespectful, threatening or unprofessional behavior should be brought directly to the Steering Committee, & should not involve other members.
--It is the Steering Committee’s responsibility to resolve all such conflicts, & it is the obligation of the members in such cases to abide by the Steering Committee’s ruling. COMMENTS/CRITIQUE:
--Comments must be respectful, constructive & supportive.
--Moderator asks for impressions & comments. --Total time for each session is limited to 40min, including 10-15 min of critique.
--1st impressions & comments from group, with no response from the writer.
--Questions – the writer responds.
--No arguing with or simply restating another’s comments. However, you may have a different point of view.
--Writers should consider those comments & ideas that resonate with them & not be discouraged by those that don’t. MEMBERSHIP:
--Prospective members are recommended by someone in the group.
--Members read & comment on the material.
--Any member initiating a project developed in the group, using Writers Group members, can expect the support of the group & the $100 honorarium from the Writers Group expense fund (if available).
--Active members pay dues of $20 per month paying for space rental, the honorarium & other administrative expenses.
--Any member who pays dues but does not attend will remain on the membership list.
--Members must inform the Moderator if they wish to go on Leave of Absence (LOA).
--Anyone who does not pay dues will be dropped from the membership list without notice.
--Members must treat each other with respect & courtesy. We are a professional group & expect a safe, constructive environment in which to develop our skills. AUDITORS/GUESTS:
--Guests invited by members of The Writers
--Group are welcome!
--If a guest wishes to return to the group, they will be considered auditors.
--Auditors contribute $5 per night.
--After attending the group 4 times, auditors are invited to become members. STEERING COMMITTEE:
Craig Sabin
Dallas Dorsett
Berton Chow
Jon Zelazny
Angelle Haney Gullett