Hello All,
I am proud to announce that I have a comprehensive new web presence! All of my previous sites have been merged into www.MikeSquatrito.com. This completely new site encompasses The Overlords book series, my new Love Winning baseball memoir and the robust author services I have been honing for years. Additionally, you can also read the short stories I've recently released - for free! Plus, see all the latest news, check out my events on the calendar and don't forget to order your personalized books! I invite you to browse the site and share this announcement widely.
I also want to give a special thanks to AllFantastic.com, who did the entire website with creativity, flair and caring. If you need a site and/or any online services (marketing, etc.) I definitely recommend getting in touch with them and Jon ([email protected]) can help you out!
Please do check out my new site and feel free to let me know any feedback. I look forward to hearing from you and thoughts are welcomed! Of course, if you have any questions please contact me directly.
Everything Mike Squatrito: The Overlords series author, Love Winning knuckleball championship memoirs, short stories, author services, presentations, events... and more!