Just some quick thoughts on boundaries in creating shape and form. The design focus for the month of September is, of course, shape and form on the Sage Arts podcast. Check it out on your fave podcast player. …Sorry this reel is not as fancy as usual. Having to go lean and mean due to an overwork injury. But the info is still tops! #artistsofinstagram #artpodcast #thesagearts #thesageartspodcast #art #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #artist #podcasting #arttalk #photography #painting #polymerclay #mixedmedia #artists #artisttalk
Learning about design and art doesn’t have to be hard. It can be done quite possibly while enjoying lots of different types of artwork. Check out the SageArts podcast for more on this and other intriguing subjects..
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Layl McDill, approaches her unique sculptural work, and her way of seeing the world, through wonderment—a way of looking at what the world has to offer with a childlike curiosity. On Episode #29 of The Sage Arts podcast, we talk about her
lifelong focus on art, her child magnatism, her magical life as a working artist and expert art show car packer, and
how we all can reach back and reclaim the wonderment we may have left behind as we transformed from fascinated
child into responsible adults.
Listen to the episode on your fave podcast player under The Sage Arts, or on this page’s profile link.
. #artpodcast #thesagearts #thesageartspodcast #art #podcast #artist #podcasting #arttalk #photography #painting
#polymerclay #mixedmedia #artists #artisttalk
#artistsofinstagram #artpodcast #thesagearts #thesageartspodcast #art #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #artist #podca
sting #arttalk #photography #painting #polymerclay #mixedmedia #artists #artisttalk
. Design dip… more Contrast! But more what maybe not to do this time.
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Join me for a little chat about contrast. It affects so much!
Get the link to the Contrast episode in the comments or just search for The Sage Arts in your favorite podcast player.
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This month for The Sage Arts podcast we’re going to focus on Contrast in your art here on social media. First episode of June, episode 26 was all about contrast so give that a listen (link in the comments or go to the link in the bio to find all episodes). #artistsoninstagram #designlessons #polymerclay #painting #sketching #mixedmedia #artjewellery