I found out some very disturbing news on yesterday in a meeting that I attended. This news has been weighing heavily on my heart since. We have to get more involve Y'all in the community organizations and events that educate and inform us on everything that goes on in our communities. We have to stop limiting ourselves in our thinking. We need to broaden our views and try new things. Some of us may have done it before and for some reason stopped, but its time to get back involved. Lets stop fighting with our personal weapons and fight with the knowledge that can change our lives for the better. If you cant be apart of the changes that need to be made, please don't stand in the way of those who are courageous enough to try!!!! We all are on a team based on our hopes and desired outcomes, find your team members and be the best team player you can possibly be. Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how crazy it may sound to yourself or anyone else. All you need is confidence in what you believe and put action behind your beliefs. Keep an open mind and willingness to grow and learn more. I'm glad I made the decision to accept this opportunity to run for Ga. State House Representative!!! It has helped me to get back in the know of things and why it's important to get out and make my life count for something!!! It's been a bumpy ride so far, but just like when I was born and the doctors said I wouldn't live to be 2 years old, I was a determined fighter from the womb and the same holds true 51 years later.