Before you read this and view the video, keep in mind this is the work of 40+ years. Pretty sure it was the incessant hours I spent on this project after work that contributed to the divorce. However, I knew she’d think I was nuts so I worked in private.
On vacations, business trips, and family visits I was visiting steam trains, riverboats, ships, and places with aircraft. I studied, bought books, made notes, photographs, and videos. Consumptive? Yes...but the more I studied the concept the less insane it became.
Now, technology has armed me to provide a travel service beyond compare at prices anyone can afford. All trips will be around a hundred dollars per day, food and beverage included, whether by water, rail, or air. How? Steam and electricity. Steam engines have only 4 moving parts and last indefinitely without maintenance. The steam driven train is perfectly clean when the water is heated by a clean power source like Tesla batteries. Even on existing rail lines a 100mph is quite safe under AutoPilot control.
Riverboats were the basic means of travel for a hundred years until the automobile and airplanes took them out. But these great and proud vessels with their engines rebuilt or replaced and with boilers fired by Tesla batteries have a place back on the rivers and bayous of America and the world. Here again, the price of your food, beverages, and room will be no more than car camping.
The same for steam driven, electrically fired locomotives. They can provide the same dinner on boarding and be anywhere on the continent by the next morning luxury service at the same low price as the other ships. Further, you get your local mail cancellation back as most mail will be overnight and sorting and cancellation done on board as it was in the old days. Every little abandoned town and settlement will again have the mail, package and freight service it once did. Amazon and WalMart should rejoice!
Electric motors have only ONE moving part and my 70 year old attic fan is now running silently as it cools the house for peanuts. For use in airships, they provide total reliability, power to spare, and safety and comfort beyond anything flying today. Of course, the electric motor has been around for over a hundred years. It's the technology of Elon Musk that provides the breakthrough. Tesla batteries can power an airship covered with solar cells to the extent it can remain aloft indefinitely.
The average person can have an airborne home that hovers over a given spot perfectly. Vacation time? Simply tell the Tesla AutoPilot where on the planet you wish to go and you are off.
Very large airships with this technology of 2000 feet or more will be perfectly safe regardless of the weather. These ships will be 60/40 lift to drag. That is, the helium gas will provide 60 percent of the lift while the electric motor will provide enough power to provide the lift necessary to climb as fast as a jetliner. As, of course, my six figure salary was hardly enough to build a prototype I have only some ideas on maximum speed. I am certain, however, that you will be able to board a ship before dinner in Maine and disembark in Los Angeles after a great nights sleep in a spacious private cabin and breakfast. The price? I am thinking 200.00 will easily cover the costs as well as provide adequate profit for expansion and new ships. Of course, highly trained airship crew will be on duty monitoring everything 24/7, but they will be pretty bored.
So, my IQ is 120. Smarter than the average bear but only more intelligent than about 1 in 10. It was not and is not genius that spurred this 40+ year effort, it was pure dreams and imagination. But that would not have been enough with my being lucky enough to be a young student at the dawn of the PC. I did my graduate work at the University of North Texas in the early 80s. I’d been building and learning about computers already for about 5 years. I was the first student to get a Master of Science in Instructional Systems Technology with the excellent guidance of a group of IST PhDs who allowed me to craft an interdisciplinary program that was state of the art and filled in so much I needed. The key was Dr. Robert F. Mager of Arizona State University. His defining the instructional objective has provided me a tool that not only raised me to having multi-million dollar computer based learning operation in a Fortune 100 company, but I found it applied to everything.
Dr. Mager, who is still alive, defined the instructional objective as as the statement of an observable performance by a student. It must have the performance to be an objective, but it will also state how well it must be done and may also state what will be allowed or denied in performing the task. I apply this all day every day. As this is not a class I will not go further, but I suggest you study that definition and let its potential beyond teaching to set in. Dr. Mager’s six little books on the subject, known as the Mager Six Pack, is easily available on the web and could change your life. Now, to the project summary and then the video. Part 1 will follow soon, but it turned out that Part II was critical to understanding Part 1. You will understand.
Charter Memberships are 100.00 per individual traveler.
Foundations or other institutions wishing to purchase multiples will pay 100.00 per individual. Note that reservations will be required! There will be 500 available, no more. That will purchase the “Ersa” which is 51,000.00. The boat will be the property of Texarkana & Southern Lines, a 504 (3)c NPO, so the pass to all vehicles, land, sea, and air, will be tax deductible. Bear in mind that TSL will NEVER take on debt, so this is up to my peep in Texarkana and Jefferson.
The owner of the 1928 70 foot boat “Ersa” is old and ill, and is selling it for medical reasons. For that reason TSL needs to act quickly as it will be priced at insurance value if the owner passes away. The insurance value is 2,000,000.00. I have a binding contract on it good for 30 days such that even if the owner passes away the price stands. This Sunday we will travel to New Orleans for a viewing. If the condition is safe and acceptable I will drop the rental car and bring her direct to Index. First voyage will follow on the next Friday. We will travel to Jefferson with the ship being ported around the dam to Caddo Lake and Big Cypress Bayou. Also, a well appointed passenger train can be leased at reasonable cost that should allow Charter Membership holders to travel either both ways to Jefferson or one way there and the other by ship.
As she draws only 3 feet there will be plenty of water to dock at Jefferson, the first riverboat to do so since 1873. We can expect a major celebration there. Gambling will be allowed on the ship, but chips must be purchased with cash or debit card and payout will be in bitcoin. Bitcoin has soared since Elon Musk purchased a lot of it so its value is high and increasing. There are banks online, notably BitFi Bank, that you can deposit bitcoin in and take loans in cash or transfers to your bank which is of great convenience and will prove its value if you have doubts. We recommend you get a BitFi Bank or other online bitcoin account opened before we leave so you can transfer winnings and get cash transferred to your bank. If you have issues establishing an account we will help you on board where the chips are sold. If the boat should be boarded we believe they will have no case as the law is clear, but if they do TSL will pay cash for any seizures. There are cabins for 4 available.
All TSL craft we have a nurse, nurse practitioner, or M.D. aboard depending on the capacity of the craft. The decision as to what medical professionals will be aboard will be made by M.D.s.
If this goes well, we will use any profits after costs to acquire more boats, trains, and eventually aircraft.
If you wish to pay the 100.00 for a Charter Membership card, message through the FYSR FB page your name, address, and phone number and we will provide bank routing information to send the funds. Make sure to specify how many you are wanting. There will be only two cards, but they will have the number of persons encoded.
Let’s make history! It’s my belief the Corps of Engineers will install a lock at the Red River where Big Cypress Bayou empties and it will be a very quick process. All that is need is a flood gate that can be closed if the Red rises enough to threaten those on Big Cypress.
I will host an open house, children welcome, for the first 15 to message me. There will be the best food and beverages I can come up with. Take a chance...free food and no obligation. If you go for it I just ask that you spread the word. I will present this and have a Q&A session. Looking forward to it!