ST. MADNESS would like to thank the very HIGH and the MIGHTY CREMATOR from THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT radio program from Seattle, Washington for including us in tonight's TRIPLE SHOT TUESDAY show and powerful playlist!!! \m/
HELLo, FiEnDs ... When two ain't enough, and four is just too damn many -- It must be time for a Triple Shot Tuesday!!
Here's your lineup for tonight's show 👉 ERODED PRIDE, neðan, Hope Is a Lie, ST. MADNESS, Hermit's Maze, Splicer, Bat Hearse, The Mighty One, Voodoo Ramble, The Space Sharks, MX The American, Crowjack, Mick Pini, Gone Savage, Applehead, Grüvediggerz4 / Mike Langley Music.
So be sure to grab those shovels and go dig up some friends for tonight's show. The Graveyard Shift goes live Monday through Friday evenings at 8pm PST / 11pm EST.
Remember to visit the Room of the Dead. It's not just a chatroom. It's a place to enjoy great music and have some GIF-enabled fun! I'm always there during the show, eager to interact with the listeners. Your participation, whether it's through comments, GIFs, or just enjoying the music, makes the show even more entertaining!
As Always ...
Enjoy the show
R.I.P. my FiEnDs \m/
HELLo, FiEnDs ... When two ain't enough, and four is just too damn many -- It must be time for a Triple Shot Tuesday!!
Here's your lineup for tonight's show 👉 ERODED PRIDE, neðan, Hope Is a Lie, ST. MADNESS, Hermit's Maze, Splicer, Bat Hearse, The Mighty One, Voodoo Ramble, The Space Sharks, MX The American, Crowjack, Mick Pini, Gone Savage, Applehead, Grüvediggerz4 / Mike Langley Music.
So be sure to grab those shovels and go dig up some friends for tonight's show. The Graveyard Shift goes live Monday through Friday evenings at 8pm PST / 11pm EST.
Remember to visit the Room of the Dead. It's not just a chatroom. It's a place to enjoy great music and have some GIF-enabled fun! I'm always there during the show, eager to interact with the listeners. Your participation, whether it's through comments, GIFs, or just enjoying the music, makes the show even more entertaining!
As Always ...
Enjoy the show
R.I.P. my FiEnDs \m/