Best wedding ever! ❤️⚡️❤️⚡️☁️💍
People seem to be enjoying the informative videos. I created this morning so I’ve decided to post this video asking you what you would like to hear about or what questions you have about any particular or specific topic. But your questions in the comments below, and I will make a video and answer you. #talent
If you’re doing consulting work, logistics, work, or bringing your own regalia to a Production keep this information in mind
Music licensing, publishing, distribution and residuals…. The importance of knowing what you are signing in a contract
Let’s stick together on empowering pursuits. I created this video for knowledge and empowerment. Please take a listen and share, as I want all of our people to know they are valuable and worthy in any industry.
The entertainment industry has always played a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions and influencing culture. However, for far too long, the representation of Indigenous peoples in mainstream media has been exceedingly inadequate, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and eradicating the rich diversity and modern experiences of Native communities. The demand for current Native representation in the entertainment industry is an issue of social justice and a crucial step toward fostering compassion, empowerment, and inclusivity. As a positive impact filmmaker and actress reentering the blog world to honor Indigenous People’s Day after a long hiatus, I invite you to explore the importance of authentic and diverse Native representation in today’s entertainment industry.
Eradicating Stereotypes
For most of my life, people have told me, “You don’t look Native.” After hearing these comments -especially now that I work in the film industry, I always wonder what non-Natives think Indigenous people are supposed to look like. Would non-Natives believe I look more Indigenous if I wore eagle fathers or regalia? Fortunately, these comments don’t affect my self-perception because I know who I am and where my ancestors came from. After all, being Native represents far more than what meets the eye.
My experience demonstrates that Native people have long been subjected to harmful stereotypes the entertainment industry perpetuates. Portrayals of eagle feather-wearing stoic warriors, hypersexualized Pocahontas-type women, or crystal-loving mystical shamans have done significant damage by reducing Native cultures to ridiculous stereotypes. Today’s accurate Native portrayals, such as those by Silent T Productions and Rez Dogs, transform the expired mainstream Native stereotypes into authentic narratives that highlight Indigenous communities' nizhóní (beautiful) complexity, diversity, and humanity. By showcasing the multifaceted lives of Natives today, the entertainme
That one time @stephbigeagle and @t_redhawk were on the series @skindigenous in 2019 🔥 Thana received a hand poke tattoo from Stephanie and the they performed at @santafeintlfilmfest! Stay tuned more scenes will be shared in the future. You can find Skindigenous Season two New Mexico online. #smiles #talent #tattoo
A wonderful day at the Studi Ranch in Santa Fe… so grateful for moments like these 🥰 Thank you to Wes and Maura for hosting and to Georgina for bringing us all together ⭐️
Speaker / Activists / Community Outreach
The Marks Family, Darrell, Makaius, Makairyn step into response-ability through community outreach and empowerment.
The Marks family act through speaking, guidance and commitment to building and providing resources in service and support to the community.