This is the message from DIYC to its Members
In our original opening plan, the very last sentence said “As conditions change, we will be reviewing our protocols and updating the membership.” The time has come to do this. If you have listened to the news or followed any of the tracking websites you will see that the number of positive cases in Hillsborough County, especially South Tampa and Davis Islands, are rising at an alarming rate. There is concern that as the number of cases increases, the likely-hood of it infiltrating our club and infecting our staff also increases. If that happens, we would be required to close the club for at least 2 weeks. That would be horrible. After much thought and consideration, the board has agreed that we should take a step backwards and revert to phase one protocols. Effective tomorrow, Tuesday June 23, we will stop serving inside the clubhouse and go back to providing outside service and to-go orders only. We will not allow members inside the clubhouse at this time. This will remain in effect until the upswing in Hillsborough cases has been stabilized and begins to reduce. As a reminder, some guidelines we are following include:
o At this time Food and beverage service will be for outdoor dining only.
o Members should wear masks while in close contact with others and while socializing (except while eating or drinking) . This includes when you are on the porch or at the regatta bar and is especially important when you are at the take out window placing and picking up your orders.
o The Club will continue to serve lunch Tuesday through Friday (11:30-2:00), dinner on Fridays (5:30-8:30) and Brunch on Saturdays and Sunday (9:00-3:00) as well as having pub grub available Tuesday through Sunday 4:00-7:30).
o Friday evening dining is by specific reservation time to accommodate a reduced number of tables to meet maximum headcount criteria. Outdoor seating is limited. Members will be offered specific reservation times. If a requested reservation time is fully reserved, members will be provided alternative times based on availability.
o Members must not use the Club if not feeling well or if you think you may have been exposed to the virus. In event of the latter, please self-quarantine.
o Members will be asked to maintain social distancing to the extent possible and avoid group gatherings of more than 10 persons and to wear masks while on the porches.
o Please be aware that many of our members have pre-existing conditions that make them at high risk for this virus. They are also anxious to get out of the house, so we ask that everyone please be considerate and follow these guidelines so we can all remain healthy.
o Our staff are just as vulnerable as the rest of us, so please be considerate of their health and safety by helping to maintaining safe distancing and wearing your mask during all interactions.
◦ Employees will continue to have temperature checked by digital thermometer and be required to maintain social distancing as much as possible.
◦ And those famous last words, “As conditions change, we will be reviewing our protocols and updating the membership.”
Your DIYC Flag and Board of Directors, Management and Staff