Shavua Tov, sweet Sunday Simcha Radio Show listeners. Our deepest thanks to all who contributed to our Fund Drive Program in addition to donors in week since who brought us over our fundraising goal for this season. THANK YOU for supporting the Sunday Simcha for 45 years on WMNF Community Radio Tampa and globally at WMNF.org.
On today's program, Myrna Wolf brings you a festive celebration of Purim with Eig8th Day and Oorah, Matt Dubb, Nachas, Eli Levin, Simcha Leiner, New York Boys Choir, Chilik Frank, Piamenta, Matan Ariel, Gad Elbaz and more. That's this afternoon from 2-3 PM (Sun., March 9) at WMNF.org and in the Tampa Bay area and West Central Florida at 88.5 FM.
Last week's Sunday Simcha featuring Joy Katzen-Guthrie wtih beloved Music of the Israeli Experience from the voices of women opened Women's History Month and featured Ofra Haza, Chava Alberstein, Shoshana Damari, Anna Spitz, Ohela Halevy, Nechama Hendel, Hadassah Siglov, Yaffa Yarkoni, Netania Davrath, Miriam Makeba, and Shoshana Bean. That program and our past programs can be accessed from our Sunday Simcha Dropbox Archive linked from oiur page at https://www.wmnf.org/events/sunday-simcha/.
We are so grateful to all who have supported our program for the last 45 years and have helped make it one of the longest continuously running broadcasts of Jewish music, culture, and information on the air.
We send our deepest love. Am Yisrael Chai and God Bless.