Episode 10: Can an enemy be forgiven ? Can you still be friends?
From personal rivalries to historical transformations, we explore stories of unexpected friendships, the power of forgiveness, and what it takes to rebuild trust.
Kickin It With Sistahs Podcast was lit last night🎙️🔥 @kickinitwithsistahs @tangiewiiliams #podcast #ladyjay #tangiewilliams #womeninfinance #financialfreedom #financialplanning #lifeinsurance #investments #fyp #followus #subscribetoouryoutube
Episode 09- Women in Finance, Financial literacy, and creating whealth
Women in finance discuss the importance of being financially stable and creating generational wealth.
Episode 08: Kickin It With Jay!
Let’s Kick it and chat!
Episode 07- My mindset changed my life
Let’s talk about it! When you changed your mindset do your life change for the better?How did your mindset change your life?
Episode 06- Get It Off Your Chest!
What’s on your mind? What do you want to get off your chest?
Episode 05- Kickin It With Jay!
Let’s talk about it🗣️
Episode 4: GoFundMe Vs Life Insurance
Will you be prepared if you or a loved one pass?
Season 2 Episode 3: The Independent Partner vs The dependent Partner
How is dating with the partner that has it all vs the partner that has nothing?
Kickin it with sistahs vibing🔥🎵It’s a Vibe All the tiiiiinmmmee‼️🔥 #kickinitwithsistahspodcast #ladyjay #clasaycole #2024vibes #listenlovelaugh #followusonfacebook followusoninstagram #followusformore
Q&A With Kickin It With Sistahs‼️
We will be discussing some questions that our viewers wanted us to talk about lol🤣 This should be fun🤩
Vision Board 2024 Results!
The finish results of our vision boards!