Zoom Meeting Tonight!
Per President, Virginia Ferguson:
Hi Everyone – It is time to have an official meeting, with an agenda and everything – more or less. We need to get commitments to membership so we can tell NWFS how many official members we have for insurance purposes, and take care of some details. The Zoom link is lower down in this email, and if you don’t have a Zoom connection, you can call in on the phone numbers listed, with the ID and Passcode.
Agenda Items:
1) Membership: Since we haven’t done anything for a year now, Mary Best is still technically our Treasurer. You can send your dues ($15/pp) to her
Karen Hanson has indicated she won’t be returning this year. Karen – We have enjoyed the energy you have brought to the club, and will miss you. Happy Gardening!!
We will be welcoming new members to the group - Valerie Nosky-Webb and her husband Jeff. They are new to growing fuchsias, and looking forward to the many ways we can help them expand their garden with this hardy flower. Please welcome them to our Zoom meeting.
Watering plants at Donna’s: Thanks to the efforts of Donna, Mary and Florence, and Jodi also, we have plants growing in Donna’s greenhouse in Steilacoom. But growing plants also means a need to water them, especially as the weather starts to warm up (I hope it does, anyway!). Betty Foster is handling the scheduling of watering days, so get in touch with her. Sign up for a week of watering, but depending on the weather and temperatures, it may mean only a couple of trips to take care of this necessary detail.
Pt. Defiance Fuchsia Garden Clean-up Day: We will have to decide on a day that works for the most people, and a weekday afternoon in early April is generally what we try to do. I think I mentioned a date in my earlier email, but didn’t write it down, so anything is fair game at the moment. Many or most of us should have had our vaccines by then, and because it is outside, it should be a good way to have a chance to visit and be productive too.
4) Plant Sale Discussion: With plants growing in the greenhouse, we have to think about when and where to have a sale for them. It has been a cold wet spring, and seems like the only things doing well in my garden are the weeds, so maybe early May would be a good time to think about. Bring your ideas for a healthy sale, and we can make some decision.
When we are ready to go back to having meetings we’ll have to look at new officers and such, but that is down the way a bit, I think. Meanwhile, we will just keep plugging along, and keep the plants growing and the garden at the Park cleaned up for this year. Hope you have managed to stay safe and healthy over these long months, and are ready to take advantage of warm days when they come.
See you Monday night!
Virginia F.
Hope to see you then.
Spring is busting out all over with new growth on the fuchsias. These were taken this afternoon on my deck. If, like me, you overwinter outside in pots or in the ground it’s time to get to pruning & cutting back your fuchsias to encourage vigorous growth for the year. It’s still too cold for tender or baby fuchsias to be outside overnight. But start monitoring their growth & watering schedule.