If there's anyone this effect was made for its the Reverend Howard Finster! My dear old friend and mentor. Happy Holidays to you from the Howard Finster Vision House Museum! Feel free to share the joy of this video with your friends and family.
Howard Finster is the main artist I based my art gallery business around. His artwork is always present and commanding. The grandfather of contemporary American folk art was my friend. If you've got a Howard Finster in your art collection things are looking up for you already. If not reach out to me and I can help you out with that! #davidleonardisgallery #davidleonardisgalleries #folkart #folkartdealer #petermars #ritchieiwanski #howardfinster #donaldtopp #giancarlomontuschi #paulkostabi #larrysinger #artdealersofinstagram #artist #summervillega #chicagoartgallery #buyartnow #buyart #collectart #wickerparkartgalleries #artconsultant #davidleonardisgallerygeorgia #chicagoartscene #wickerparkartscene #howardfinstervisionhousemuseum #mattlamb #contemporaryart #howardfinsterwasnicertomethananyonebutmymomma #folkartist #howardfinsterdotcom
I work hard in Chicago helping people collect art and then I go down to the Howard Finster Vision House Museum and put all my money into that project! Howard keeps a watch over both and it works out just fine! #davidleonardisgallery #davidleonardisgalleries #artdealersofig
#wickerparkchicago #chicagoartscene #chicagoart #artistsoninstagram #artgalleriesofinstagram #howardfinster #artist #artconsultant #artgallery #chicagoartgallery #chicagoartgalleries #wickerparkartgallery #mattlamb #buyartnow #buyart #collectart #art #popart #artgalleryonline #artcollectorsofig #artistoninstagram #artdealer #howardfinstervisionhousemuseum #wickerparkbucktown #donaldtopp #petermars #paulkostabi
Happy birthday to Howard Finster this month and happy holidays to all of us fans everywhere! Enjoy this reel amazing video about the great man the Rev. Howard Finster and his Super Natural powered art we have available at the DLG and the Howard Finster Vision House Museum!!