ECO24 Autumn (1)
Sampling and survey techniques, methods, and technologies are far-reaching across the #appliedmarinescience space. These days, many instruments and tools, while perhaps initially conceived for subsea infrastructure survey purposes, may turn out to be equally useful for conducting #fisheries, #aquaculture, or #coastalresilience projects.
In this edition of Environment, Coastal & Offshore (ECO) Magazine—Sampling & Survey—we profile some of the advanced technologies and methods being deployed by marine science practitioners around the world to efficiently gather and analyze increasingly critical marine data.
Thank you to our contributors and advertisers: Geolux, EvoLogics GmbH, In-Situ Environmental, OceanX, Gigablue, and CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
To read the edition, visit:
ECO24 Summer
From #fisheries management to ocean- and land-based #aquaculture operations to the commercial fishing industry, ongoing investment levels in resources to expand this sector sustainably are critical to progress. Each associated activity requires fit-for-purpose tools for meeting product demands, governmental regulations, and research constraints.
In Environment, Coastal & Offshore (ECO) Magazine’s summer edition—Fisheries & Aquaculture—we examine some of the proposed solutions designed to overcome the persistent challenges faced by the applied marine science professionals in the field.
Thank you to our advertisers and contributors: U.S. Department of Agriculture NOAA Fisheries Service Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies National Oceanography Centre Ropeless Systems, Inc. In-Situ Environmental Onset Marine Ventures International, Inc. Okeanus Science & Technology, LLC
Welcome Exhibitors_Multiple (Barter)
Dive into the latest underwater technology at #OceanologyInternational2024 with:
Andrews Survey – Stand E350
Concept Cables Ltd – Stand P10
Ashtead Technology – Stand G100
Datawell – Stand G451
Deepinfar – Stand K700
Chasing Underwater Drones – Stand B250
CADDEN – Stand N103
QYSEA · FIFISH – Stand M151
D-2 Incorporated – Stand B400
Chelsea Technologies – Stand E551
Discover more about exhibitors' services, products and upcoming launches. Plan your visit at their booths!
Join the wave towards the future at ExCel, London from 12th-14th March 2024.
Check out the list of exhibitors here: Exhibitor Directory | Oi London (
Register now:
#Oi #oceanscience #marinescience #blueeconomy #oceanlife #oceanconservation #oceantechnology #oceantech
ECO 2024 Spring
Advancing our knowledge of the unknown in the world’s oceans is no easy task. In Environment, Coastal & Offshore (ECO) Magazine’s first edition of 2024—Marine Exploration—you can join the applied marine scientists on their journey to making newfound discoveries and employing some of the ocean industry’s most advanced tools to go where no one else has before.
Dive in here:
Thank you to our advertisers and contributors: OceanX EvoLogics GmbH Ocean Census SEARCH, Inc. In-Situ Environmental Stantec Proserv
#appliedmarinescience #marineexploration #oceanresearch
New to 2024, the ECO Marine Instruments Buyers’ Guide is your exclusive source for chemical, physical, biological, or topside solutions for #appliedmarinescience. This comprehensive catalog will showcase the latest innovations and technologies for measuring and observing marine parameters.
To fill out your free listing information for the 2024 MIBG, visit:
#oceanobservation #marineinstruments #MIBG24