Ain't no life like the Christianhood life

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Ain't no life like the Christianhood life nothing better than sharing the victorious & comedic moments as the Lord chastises those He loves 😂

One actually talks back🤗 grateful for that or I'd be in a never ending quicksand bed 🤣

One actually talks back🤗 grateful for that or I'd be in a never ending quicksand bed 🤣

Bless ur heart-U really didn't know 🤭

Bless ur heart-U really didn't know 🤭


I just read an old prayer request of mine & thought of what had I asked, what occurred, & where I'm at now.

I can't fill in every detail here(u know how I talk). When I made this request I was literally facing serious decisions & serious depression. I was fighting a spiritual battle at the time that no one could've or would even get involved in. Eventually towards the fall of 2021 I started to cry out for help I knew I wouldn't make it. In 2019, the Lord laid it on my heart to do the Gideon Bible study & when I finished I remember saying He was preparing me for a battle & I truly believed it was what followed immediately, however, I was very wrong. He made it very clear these last few weeks it was definitely this past year & I almost failed. While I may have survived what I thought to be the hardest battle I would face, I came very close to failing the "real"hardest battle. Like the Gideon study he did win the battle that seemed impossible, but he later falls victim to the world & given the opportunity to turn back to God did he? The Lord & I had a talk 2day & I'm in awe of His reasons why I've went thru the hell on earth that I did b/c God showed me He answered a prayer I asked back when I was still married back in 2012. One question lead to another & b4 I knew it, I had answers for a lot of things that have burdened my soul for years. It brought some regret into my throat, but I realized those regrets were the sorrows that gave me the wisdom I need to help raise my children & guide others. Please continue to pray for myself, my family, each other! U never know what's happening internally. 🫂💙

Guilty 😬😬😬The Lord said ask, but do we ever?!Nope, if we got ourselves in a mess, we don't expect Him to get us out so w...

Guilty 😬😬😬
The Lord said ask, but do we ever?!
Nope, if we got ourselves in a mess, we don't expect Him to get us out so we won't all Him for help, but! We need to! He wants u to!
Next time, don't look like this 🤣


Joel 2:25...

Given to me by a dear friend after the Lord laid on their heart to tell me when I got to my absolute rock bottom... I've read it a hundred times before, but never did it say something to me like it did that day & it changed everything! My mindset, my motivation, my moves, everything... I'm still not 100% what I was, but every day I'm taking leaps & bounds to bypass where I stood, cuz why be just at the same place? Why not be even better than before? Why move one mountain when u can move two? Learning not to settle for less anymore & giving myself everything I need by the means it comes, not by force anymore💙

It's definitely not for the faint of heart though 😥🤪😬


The United Nations has placed a giant statue in New York that resembles an end-times "beast" from the New Testament's book of Revelation.

The U.N. recently tweeted a photo of the statue.

"A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor's Plaza outside Headquarters. The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico."

Countless critics on social media are saying the statue appears to be the likeness of the "beast" the Prophet Daniel wrote about in the Old Testament and the Apostle John wrote about in the Book of Revelation.

Daniel chapter 7:2-4 describes the beast with the body of a lion and wings of an eagle:

Daniel spake and said, "I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings."

The Apostle John described a beast with similar features in the New Testament passage in Revelation 13:2.

"And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

Another Bible verse that's evoked by this U.N. statue to "peace and security" comes straight out of an End Times warning from 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3:

"For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape."

"Did they really think that they could put this up without anyone noticing?" Snyder asked. "And just by coincidence, it has been painted in LGBT colors."

Caudill also mentioned the verses above and included this warning to her followers.

"Was this the beast John saw in Revelation in his vision of the end times…given power by the dragon (serpent/satan) over all peoples, languages, & nations…the U.N.)?!!"

"The absolute most important thing in your life is to know the Lord Jesus! not know of Him but know him!" she concluded.


Less than a week away from Thanksgiving & I don't know about everyone else, but life is chaos & will continue to be more hectic the closer we move to the end of this year! I've been somewhat quiet this year, out of character for me, I know 😂! With good reason & the Lord has been doing some things, the thing, He needed to in order to get this daughter of His away from what she has consistently & stubbornly refused to.... I don't like lessons, but when the clouds start to clear & you see what has happened & where you're headed.... It's worth every bit... See y'all very, very soon😉

Love y'all & God bless 💙

Falling leaves do not signal the death of a tree. Rather the impending beauty that awaits to flourish once the condition...

Falling leaves do not signal the death of a tree. Rather the impending beauty that awaits to flourish once the conditions are favorable again for it to thrive. We all need some good rest & rebooting when life has all, but sucked us dry! Naturally trees will shed their leaves to reserve that energy inward & survive harsh weather only to emerge in the spring in such a glorious fashion, we can only say it came from our heavenly Father to remind us of His promises to us. Seek Him for rest & shelter! Then guess what? We've conserved all that energy & yes there's been a drastic change in us because we've not kept fighting against the world & everything else! We gave Him the battles & we rested & conserved our energy in Him. We emerge afterwards unrecognizable to those who know us. They're use to seeing us fight daily & struggle to keep going. The sheer exhaustion we live with every day on our faces has now been completely delivered! PTL 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 so how about finishing these seasons doing this so in spring when we're excited to see the new blooms & beautiful colors, we too will have something new to look at in the mirror for once💙

Love y'all😘 & God bless 🙏🏼

~Ashley Ann

Often we think He's punishing us, but we're the ones bound by the things we refuse to get out of our lives. There is fre...

Often we think He's punishing us, but we're the ones bound by the things we refuse to get out of our lives. There is freedom that we can't see beyond what we choose not to let go of. I'm guilty in more than one area of my life! I encourage you today, consider where God has told you before to let go of things that you didn't need in your life. Why won't you? Fear? Stability? Comfort? Whatever the reason, know that He has far better for you than what you hold on to!

Ummm my life is the test🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm failing it for sure but I know the answer to it all... Doesn't make it fun failing tho...

Ummm my life is the test🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm failing it for sure but I know the answer to it all... Doesn't make it fun failing tho😂😂😂 we got this y'all

Lives have been overturned by the things that we've done, but God can still redeem... Now to work on my heart... And you...

Lives have been overturned by the things that we've done, but God can still redeem... Now to work on my heart... And you?!


Finally! After hours of playing with my internet, I got this posted & so much more to come this week💙 I'll share a little info here on everywhere you might find me & the PayPal donations button! I'm so ready to be back, but man the lesson has been intense so brace yourself if you place a bet on how long I talk🤣



Sometimes it's great to read something you wrote from a long time back because it truly reminds you this won't last forever! Great reminder if you've fallen backwards lately! My heart & soul needed these words today! 💙

Love y'all & God bless 🥰

Don't know about y'all, but I've put off going live time & again😭 I've been unbelievably ill & I feel like I can't get e...

Don't know about y'all, but I've put off going live time & again😭 I've been unbelievably ill & I feel like I can't get enough rest! I know losing your life to disease is far less energizing than I imagined so praying for tomorrow, but Thursday last be it! Praying I feel better soon cuz I miss my weekly check in days💙

Hey, hey, hey y'all! Summer is upon us! Did spring bring the new to you or are you like me... Waiting for summer to show...

Hey, hey, hey y'all! Summer is upon us! Did spring bring the new to you or are you like me... Waiting for summer to show you fun & loads of joy? Praying this season is legendary for us & God reveals His plans!!! I don't know about you, but I'm ready to share that word God placed on my heart! Planning it this week, Lord willing! I've been terribly sick & also prepping my new house to be ready to move in to!!! PTL for answered prayers🙏🏻💙

So Facebook suggested I request reviews of the page?! Umm kinda not sure what to do with that, but hey👇🏻👇🏻

So Facebook suggested I request reviews of the page?! Umm kinda not sure what to do with that, but hey👇🏻👇🏻

Been a hot minute since I've posted or went live 🥴... Last night, however, I was doing my Bible study when God started t...

Been a hot minute since I've posted or went live 🥴... Last night, however, I was doing my Bible study when God started talking to me so much I couldn't focus! Omgoodness did He give me a word that not only is incredible for helping uproot deep things for you, but it was also an overwhelming lesson for me. I just had to share it with you 💙

{Love y'all & God bless}

Mommas- don't forget you have a special place! Even Jesus had an earthly momma! You are not unseen by God! You are chose...

Mommas- don't forget you have a special place! Even Jesus had an earthly momma! You are not unseen by God! You are chosen by Him! Rest today & know He sees what you do for your babies no matter their age! Teach them Jesus & you'll never fail them 💙

Love y'all & have a blessed Momma's day!

~ Ashley Ann

The best part of recycling is knowing you've created something new & good out of something old & useless, but when is it...

The best part of recycling is knowing you've created something new & good out of something old & useless, but when is it time to say "I need to let go & allow God to make something new in my life without recycling what I'm trying to hang on to"? Very little do we recognize the time to let go & receive something new! Unrecycled, in beautiful, new condition, straight from God sealed with love! We often deserve that, but tell ourselves we don't & choose not to receive it! So let's see what God is ready to give by stopping the recycling process!

Love y'all & God bless🥰

Praying to see you soon! Rough health day today, but so much anticipation to share so many things💙

I don't know about y'all, but I feel like I'm right there! In the middle of a trial, I find myself asking God a lot of q...

I don't know about y'all, but I feel like I'm right there! In the middle of a trial, I find myself asking God a lot of questions, seeking His divine plan in it, asking where He wants me, then I go backwards trying to figure out why it lead here. I always get the same answer. If it was my choices that brought me to a certain place, He says He didn't give up on me, He worked with my ignorance & turned it into His master plan. If it wasn't me, rather someone else's choices or just life itself, He says you may not have enjoyed every moment of the ride here, but He's doing something so big that if I saw the other side where He sees, I would be too overwhelmed & confused, so because He cares for me He does everything in a manner fit to my understanding & pace until He's ready to reveal the new thing He's brought me to. I don't know if I could ever face a life without His hand holding mine! The fears & tears brought on by my struggles in the last few years, they were always wiped away by His presence in my life. It seems like He's always helping me to become something new every so often & today I realize while in pain talking to Him & finding out He's making me become better, new, another stronger version of the me I've been. His plans are too mighty for me to understand, but I'm grateful He sees fit to continue working on me! When this struggle passes, I'm ready to see who I've become... Are you letting Him work on you in your struggle? Focus on what He's having you become during your struggles & not on the struggles themselves. I'm excited when I know He's working. Just step back & let Him work!
Praying for y'all this week & that your mind is centered on what He's having you become, not your struggles! I'm praying about going live tomorrow as I've felt pretty terrible & realized how unhealthy I look so praying I get a little sprinkle of Holy Ghost on me & the radiance of God can fade the fleshes mortality. Love y'all & God bless 🥰

Happy Resurrection day ✝️ He's alive! Praying everyone has a blessed day!

Happy Resurrection day ✝️ He's alive! Praying everyone has a blessed day!

So I've certainly been more than distracted lately... I miss you all terribly😢... I came home from the hospital this wee...

So I've certainly been more than distracted lately... I miss you all terribly😢... I came home from the hospital this week after being admitted for over a week. I mention my health occasionally, but it definitely took a turn recently so my sincerest apologies for the absence! I'm recovering now, but still have a rough road ahead... I can't go back to work yet either so as I rest in Jesus to rebuild strength & listen to His words, I look forward to getting on here soon, in person again! I can't wait to share so many things God did & taught me in the past few weeks! Love y'all & God bless 🥰

P. S.
Checkout my beautiful gift from my fiance 🥰😍, I snapped several pics of it with such a beautiful skyline more than once God lifted my spirits with it & His paintings in the sky💙

Truth 🙌🏻I grew up in several different denominations. I learned so many important things from all that played a major ro...

Truth 🙌🏻

I grew up in several different denominations. I learned so many important things from all that played a major role in, not only who I became, but what I know & understand about God's word! Each one had something distinct to show about God: His incredible love for humanity, His judgment/distaste for sin, His profound plan of redemption! Yet they all know Jesus is the way of salvation! Everything I've learned thru my walk & growing up in different churches has impacted my studies. What I did learn for myself, though, was God's word is the only deciding factor in the end. I don't judge different denominations at all, I've just chosen to always study out the word when I don't understand something I'm told/taught, then pray diligently on it for understanding. Any good preacher/pastor will tell you to do the same. I know mine does! We are human. We fail. We misunderstand. God is wisdom & says to ask Him for wisdom & He will give it.

If you've ever been curious where I stand on denominationalism, I hope this sheds some light on that for you! I do attend a church that carries a denomination, however, the values & such it practices are different than what most think of when they hear it. I've learned to search for a church that holds true to God's word & is most in line with what I believe is what the Bible says to do! Never be afraid to ask questions! Especially when the location doesn't make or break your salvation 😉

Love y'all & God bless 🥰
~ Ashley Ann

How often do we do this?! Have you ever thought about-   -What if I win the lotto? What's the first thing I'll do? I rem...

How often do we do this?!
Have you ever thought about-
-What if I win the lotto? What's the first thing I'll do? I remember conversations with friends & family about that. Many times hearing, " I won't tell anyone, the first thing that will happen is everyone will be at my door wanting something or all of a sudden in need". We start building a taller fence, trying to figure out how we can hide what we have so greedy people don't try to take it from us. Hmm... Who's greedy? We often forget our great commission...

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Matthew 28:19 KJV

That $ wasn't meant to be held tight, it was meant to help, to pay it forward, to give back to the One who gave it to you to begin with! Why not open up your door & invite the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the widow, the orphan, etc...

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2 KJV

Goodness, I'd be devastated to get to heaven for Christ to say, "Ashley, why didn't you feed & clothe me that one day I needed it?"
" Father, I don't know what you mean? When did you come to me that I never did that?"
" Daughter, the day that homeless man knocked on your door in the cold asking for bread & a coat, no place to sleep just those 2 things, but you were afraid of him & thought he was scum, that was me & you turned me away & called the cops."

Lord, help me to only build a better table, not a taller fence. I don't want to abuse what you've given me!

I pray as we carry on thru this new year with all the changes that we take this into consideration! Be prayerful with everything you do! I've realized I haven't been as diligent in those areas as I should be! Hope to see you all soon😉

Love y'all & God bless 🥰
~ Ashley Ann

We do a lot in the name of Christianity... But are we doing it with a perfect heart?What's right in God's eyes isn't wha...

We do a lot in the name of Christianity... But are we doing it with a perfect heart?

What's right in God's eyes isn't what's right by what we believe is His standard. We set our own, live by it, argue it with fellow Christians, deny others by it... So what does your heart say about your walk with God?

The road to recovery is often hard & long when you choose not to forgive. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to go back t...

The road to recovery is often hard & long when you choose not to forgive. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to go back to the same thing & be treated the same way, but it does mean letting go of the pain you were caused & moving forward! I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but life had it's twists, turns, upside down moments... You name it, seems like I've been thru it these last few weeks! Hoping things settle into a normal pattern soon & life gets well soon😊...


Strafford, MO



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