Earlier this month, CW Studios had the pleasure of supporting the 2024 Alumni Leadership Connections (ALC) Conference hosted by the Penn State Alumni Association. The ALC Conference provides Alumni Association volunteers from across the country the opportunity to learn more about their role as leaders, discuss volunteer best practices, and hear key insight from experts.
A multi-day event with programming across the University Park campus, the ALC Conference gave us a chance to do it all. We…
-Filmed a variety of unique sessions across a number of different venues
-Livestreamed for those who couldn't be there in person
-Provided IMAG (image magnification) so, even in larger spaces, participants could have the best experience
-Captured the energy and feel of the event through B-roll
-Put all of those elements together in post-production after the event's conclusion
…allowing us to be there every step of the way!
If you want to catch a glimpse of this amazing weekend and the role we played in it, check out the video below: