A fiery twister raged on the surface of the sun for 3 days before it dissipated, towering to heights of 75,000 miles -- or 14 times that of Earth’s diameter: https://bit.ly/407UwpH
Venus and Jupiter conjunction
🔴LIVE: Total Lunar Eclipse over North America
Countdown to the first step!
50 years ago TO THE SECOND, millions of people were glued to their TVs to watch Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon. Count down with us! #Apollo11 #Apollo50th
Live from the refurbished mission control on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
LIVE: The Full #Thanksgiving Moon is rising in the night sky.
November’s Full Moon is also known as the ‘Beaver Moon.’
Live from the Central Pennsylvania Observers Astronomy Event
We're live from the Central Pennsylvania Observers Astronomy Event. Find out why star watchers from Central PA are out tonight.
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant minds of cosmology, passed away on March 14 at the age of 76.
SpaceX Heavy Launch and landing
On Tuesday afternoon, #SpaceX launched their new #FalconHeavy rocket, the most powerful rocket in the world.
The launch was a success with 2 of the 3 rocket boosters flying back and landing along the Florida coast. Photos: http://bit.ly/2seCerx