60 years ago today The Beatles landed in America. A monumental event in modern cultural history. 11 years ago, I asked my friends on Facebook to write a Haiku poem about them (5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syallables)
Here’s mine:
The best expression,
Of LOVE in the modern age,
Is Beatles music.
Here are some of my faves from friends:
Black and white TV,
Sunday night Ed Sullivan,
John, Paul, George, Ringo
-- Richard H. Schwartz
Music that stirs up
Memories of happiness
That is the Beatles
-- Eve Lamont Kiefer
Legends made swiftly
A legacy that endures
Though, short it lasted
-- Sam Hamilton
They wrote the songs that
Made the young girls like me cry
All you need is love
. -- Ida Langsam
My teen years were dark.
I wouldn't have made it through
Without the Beatles
-- Mick Kubiak
Bigger then jesus
Walrus speaks to media
They are the egg men
--Christian Epting
John, Paul, George, Ringo --
ALL fab! (Do you ask a mom
which child is *her* fave?)
Who was the "fifth one"?
Sutcliffe? Epstein? Spinetti?
Martin? (Decisions...)
-- Molly Katelbach
He**in tripping,
Yoko plus Dead Brian,
Equals band break up
-- Roger McEvoy Greenawalt
Puddin' bowl haircuts
Magical mystery tour
The storied Fab Four
-- Cliff Feldman
with a love live that
you know it can't be ba-ad
with a love like that
-- Mark Gimpel
my daughter loves them
second generation now
did something right, YES!
-- Clay Morgan Howard
Nineteen Sixty Four
February the Seventh
History Changed
-- Wendy McNeely Sherman
Words to remember
from these lads of Liverpool
"I don't like your tie"
-- Greg Feo