Wuhan 2.0, China getting ready to Re-Export a more lethal Covid variant, Communist Playbook of Collective Punishment being unleashed on the World, Recission, Loss of innocent Lives and Devastation await as UN and WHO look on
The Wuhan 2.0 can be much more deadly, more contagious and fast spreading Virus the world has ever seen before.
Millions of Chinese are already infected, thousands are dying every day, the Communist regime cease publishing data to keep the Chinese people in the dark, American Research Scientists believe that as many as 800 million Chinese will be infected with COVID in the next few months, and they worry that the Omicron Variant and the Chinese Original Wuhan Variant COMBO may create a more lethal variant.
WHO failed to act when China unleashed Wuhan 1.0, killing more than a Million Americans and 10s of Millions of innocent people worldwide. WHO is watching Wuhan 2.0 like a Communist puppet again.
China chose to take a deliberate and devastating step to unleash COVID again, after failing miserably for 3 years. A massive billion people uprising was underway. The Communist regime acted quickly, Communists are good at manipulating the population, however, even the brainwashed Chinese people had enough. The communist regime chose to abruptly lift strict covid confinement policy to save itself from extinction.
It started with a fire: Dozens of innocent people died when a deadly fire broke out on the 21st floor of a high-rise building. in the city of Urumqi, because the fire engines couldn't get to them, and that lead to a massive protest known as the ‘blank paper’ protest which was spreading rapidly.
Brutal iPhone Factory Crackdown: Then the iPhone factory workers who were brutally assaulted joined the protest. The protest was getting out of control and spreading rapidly, the regime realized its vulnerability and acted quickly, shocking the Chinese people with a sudden reversal of 3 yearlong Zero Covid Confinement Policy to a 100% Everyone Can Have a COVID Policy.
And that was not enough for the Communist regime, now the regime has decided to Export Covid to the world again. It started issuing Visas to Foreigners who are stupid enough to visit China now, and sending Chinese around the world to spread COVID as quickly as possible.
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