We are true champions of St. Louis. We create purposeful stories and strive to be there in every way to enrich the quality of life for people in our region.
About Us
5 On Your Side is a community-minded and trusted local news and media source that has proudly served the St. Louis region since 1947. We have built our legacy on a promise to provide our audiences with the most meaningful and engaging information that will inform and impact their daily lives. As our industry has transformed, we have progressed along with it, yet one thing has remained constant from the start: the well-being of our community and its people is our first priority. We are completely committed to knowing our region inside and out, so we may find the ways to help, guide, advocate for, and serve it. We are driven to sustain what is great about St. Louis while also ensuring its promising future.
Our Policy
We appreciate contributions of photos, video and other material from our followers and friends. By submitting this material, you grant 5 On Your Side and its affiliates a license to distribute your material on the air or in any other media and affirm that you hold the copyright or otherwise have the right to authorize its use. Thank you again for your contribution.
The 5 On Your Side page is the place where we will share our stories, take you inside our newsroom, and out with us into the community as we cover our region and the nation. Those who join our Facebook community will find posts not only about local news, but also national and international news. You will also find entertainment news, which includes local events, trending conversations and television events such as NBC programs and live award shows or sports.
We thank you for electing to join the chorus of diverse voices on our page, and we welcome and encourage comments and conversations among you, our community members. We truly want you to be a part of our community where you can come for information, share your story ideas and ask us questions. All we ask in return is that all communications and posts remain civil and appropriate.
Please respect the community by carefully considering the content of your posts, the language and/or images you choose in your comments or replies to the comments of others. While we cherish and encourage a healthy debate and the exercise of our freedom of speech, anything we at 5 On Your Side determine to be disrespectful or abusive, such as language, hateful rhetoric, inappropriate pictures or video or spam, will be deleted.
We define spam as posts with links that could cause harm to the person who click on it, such as link that allows a hack of a Facebook account. To address this concern, no links are allowed in comments or replies to comments on our page posts. Links are allowed on the wall.
Spam is also blatant advertisements for products that have nothing to do with our community, our community members, topics posted on our wall or comments. Your comments are part of our collective dialogue. Advertisements or repeat posts constitute spam and will be removed in accordance with these rules.
5 On Your Side uses page Moderation and Profanity Filter to help moderate the page. Page moderation hides comments from the public. The comments remain visible and accessible to the person who submitted the comments and his or her friends.
We also maintain the consequent right to block any person or organization that is continually disruptive to our social platforms and community. While we invite you to participate and to share, the opinions and comments that you or others share belong solely to the person posting, and do not reflect either the opinions or beliefs of 5 On Your Side or the networks of KSDK.
We reserve the right to use any pictures, comments, wall posts, links, video, etc. shared with us here on Facebook on other platforms such as in a news broadcast or online.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us. We may choose to answer you in a private message rather than a post on our wall or reply to a comment.
We reserve the right to delete comments and/or block fans based on the following:
1. Inappropriate, obscene or profane comments, links, images or videos. All images and memes.
2. Posts attacking, abusing or harassing community members
3. Threats against any person, organization or company
4. Spam, advertisements or posts deemed off-topic
5. Copyrighted material
6. Not sticking to the topic post.
7. False comments or claims about KSDK 5 On Your Side