COD with friends
Let's Go!!
Just a Dad gamin after the kids go to bed
Good, bad or otherwise... it's always fun
Sometimes... when you're older... you play games... It's for fun!!
The stream has been super laggy so i've been recording the game nights
No games tonight, but I have fun clips from the last few days. to entertain.
I even tried a little halo!!
Here's some fun highlights from my first stream in Year!!!!
@athenascope, thank you for helping me get fun highlights. Full-time job, family and side projects mean this hobby of mine won't get much love like this, for now. You guys are a huge help and pretty great!!
I have not been able to play for a week... and it hurts... for reelz!
But we're moving into a great home for our fam that needs some work and thanks to Athenascope I have some super fun highlights to hold me over until i can get going again.
Some highlights that make me look better than I am. haha. Thanks @athenascope !!!
If it wasn't for Athenascope I wouldn't have extra content that highlights good games and fun kills. It just wouldn't happen for this part-timer. So, huge shout out athenascope!!
if you don't have time to create clips or highlights then check out athenascope. Their setup is top notch!!
Last night was one of my favorite stream nights so far!! I also, think i LOVE resurgence duos. haha. Seriously tho, check some highlights thanks to Athenascope with out them all i have are fish stories. 🐟.
A good night with good friends and Hacked games. 🤣🤣
Had a fun time gettin handled by hackers and DMR's. THanks for the highlights Athenascope I'm super grateful for you guys!!
Some fun shots with new friends!!
Got to do the longest stream to date, which is pretty cool. We also got to connect with another squad and had a great time in the chat!
Epic Music + Highlights?!?!? Yes Please!!
I love Athenascope. Their highlight videos capture all the good and non of the bad! And now with music ... it's legit!!