We do it all here at MoonTown Sound. We out here.
(Yea, we've been quiet the last weeks or so. To the people in our dms, we see you. A vacation and a couple extra busy weekends have us regrouping, we'll get to you ASAP.)
Chaos Driven came to moontown to throw down. You guys need to be following them and showing love. #moontown #moontownsound #punk #rock #supportlocalmusic
Get on down to Commercial Street for Thriller on C-Street: Macabre Promenade, then come hit up one of our two showings of the Rocky Horror Pickin' Show featuring The Crumbs!
Crazy roadwork around us, Hampton is open to the North even though it looks closed.
Jamie Tortillamantez did a social media! Follow us on that platform that sounds like a clock, if you're so inclined, for more like this.
Good thing we installed an extinguisher right next to the stage cause Hundred Dollar Hustle was on fire! Need content? Our stage is YOUR stage.
Getting industrious ova hea! Come see us at October Moontacular '24 With Blūme , Lilac Cruise , THE KURSK, Clever Kaiju , Cryptic Tattoo and Social Gallery
Word on the street is THE KURSK has some new stuff in the works. Wonder if they are going to unleash some at October Moontacular '24 on Saturday, October 12, at 6 p.m. Together with Lilac Cruise and Blūme the sound wave storm will be epic.
Come hang out with a community of artist doing art.
Clever Kaiju
Cryptic Tattoo and Social Gallery
Samantha Hubler
Garrett Melby Art
The Dancing Soundman
Song - Disassociation / Starsetter (live at The Batesment)
Artist – The Kursk
Check em out on Spotify!