On this destined New Year's Eve as it was Foretold to thee, Father Time pays a visit to 2024 and brings it to a close. The cycle begins anew as timekeeping duties are passed along to Baby New Year. To celebrate this event, we've created the playable character of Baby New Year/Father Time! (For the PDF Character Sheet, we will post it onto both the Strife Creations FB group and our Discord channel.)
Appearing as a human man, the mantle of power is passed from previous year's Father Time to a Baby New Year. The baby rapidly ages at the rate of 1 year for every 3 and a half days. Upon reaching adulthood, the baby becomes Father Time. By the end of the year, the process begins anew.
Baby New Year (Father Time) is a Transmutation Wizard who specializes in the manipulation of Time. The most devastating usage of power is the Time Ravage spell made into an Ability thanks to the Wizard's Signature Spell feature. A few pointers and key notes about this character:
1. Once per Downtime, the Time Ravage spell may be cast at no cost. A few other "time altering" spell are available too such as Haste, Mending (turning back time to repair armor), Wither and Bloom (think aging targets to renew life to another), or Zephyr Strike (speeding up time for yourself to strike hard).
2. The Hourglass of Time (a re-flavored Transmuter's Stone) grants passive bonuses while equipped. Once per Downtime, the power held within may be used to create a powerful effect!
3. They Scythe isn't just for looks, the base to hit is 1d10+8 but combined with Zephyr Strike, the attack is made with advantage plus 1d4 force damage starting out.