Julie Brar Holistic Nutritionist/ Health Coach

Julie Brar Holistic Nutritionist/ Health Coach Welcome to my page! Learn about Nutrition & Regenerative Health. Your body can heal itself! 🌱💚 I have a lot of things I am passionate about. xo Julie

I started out as an actor and filmmaker. For many years I had parallel careers as an actor and yoga teacher. It was when my own health was at an all time low that I went back to school for nutrition and health coaching. I am VERY passionate about health. I started on my health journey when I was in theatre school. I started doing yoga and for the first time really connected with my breath and my b

ody. Having a consistent yoga practice helped me to see the value in having a healthy body. When my health spiralled out of control I had a renewed appreciation for a healthy body. I want to help people which, is why I started to teach yoga. I thought if I helped people to connect with their bodies I would help make people healthier. Years into teaching I realize that true health requires much more than just how we move our bodies. It's how we nourish ourselves, sleep, the quality of our relationships, a toxic free lifestyle, mindfulness and our connection to ourselves, the quality of our relationships and having a life of purpose. When my husband passed away suddenly from a heart attack in 2012 my health took a downward spiral. My whole body shut down and ultimately my thyroid and adrenals were not functioning properly. I've spent years trying to get my health back on track. I suffered from sleep disorders, depression, PTSD, panic attacks, chronic joint and back pain, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, and embarrassing skin issues. I went to several doctors and naturopaths but had little success. It was the suggestion of a friend in the summer of 2017 that caused a complete turn around in my health. Within 6 weeks all my joint and back pain were much improved, my skin cleared, my energy and zest for life was back! After 5 years of searching for a solution it took one conversation to turn my life around. This was the start of my health comeback. In January of 2018 I embarked on a journey to get off my thyroid medications. It took a year but with diet changes I was able to reduce my dose to half. Most people would stop there. I wanted to continue on. I started learning more about gut health. That led me to focus on gut detoxification and repairing leaky gut which I had been diagnosed with. Once I started to follow a protocol I was off my medication within 6 months. I have been medication free for over a year and a half as of this writing in May 2021. Health is truly a journey but well worth the destination. I'm so happy I didn't give up on myself or my dream of getting my health back. It is my sincere hope that I can help others to find hope and healing. After all our body is our home. We need our body to be healthy so that we can enjoy our life to its fullest. I hope that you find the information on this page useful. Feel free to message me.

The quality of water you put into your body can be a game changer for your health. Unfortunately most people are:❌ dehyd...

The quality of water you put into your body can be a game changer for your health.

Unfortunately most people are:

❌ dehydrated at the cell level
❌ dehydration is preventing nutrients & oxygen from getting to your cells
❌ reverse osmosis & distilled water can lead to imbalances over time
❌ alkaline water can lead to clumping & binding in the blood (have seen this happen during live blood analysis)
❌ tap water is the most toxic water you can be drinking
❌ bottled water puts microplastics into your body leading to endocrine issues

If you want to learn about how to turn water in wellness comment WATER 💧

I’ll share what I’ve been using. This solution has saved me thousands of dollars & continues to do so. It’s been a game changer for my own health & the health of my clients. 🎉

The choice is yours everyday. You can decide everyday to make healthy decisions. Comment GUT HEALTH if you’re ready to g...

The choice is yours everyday. You can decide everyday to make healthy decisions.

Comment GUT HEALTH if you’re ready to get started. 🥑💚

1 in 8 women deal with some form of thyroid dysfunction. This means millions of women are dealing with thyroid issues, m...

1 in 8 women deal with some form of thyroid dysfunction. This means millions of women are dealing with thyroid issues, most don’t even know it.

I was one of those women so I understand how frustrating & disheartening it can be to feel like your body has turned against you.

Before you can get to addressing root causes it’s very important to get the full picture of what’s going on with your thyroid.

Most MDs only do a TSH test which completely misses what’s happening with the thyroid. TSH only tests the signal between the pituitary and the thyroid.

It doesn’t give you an accurate picture of the thyroid at all. The other part of the puzzle is liver and gut health. 60% of the conversion from T4 to T3 happens in the liver, 20% in the gut.

Most often the thyroid gets blamed when it’s other organs that may be the root of the issue.

I went through this myself. Now I’m celebrating 5 years completely medication free & feeling a thousand times better than before I got sick.

If you’re ready to get your thyroid health back on track comment ELEVATE. In this life changing program you’ll get to address your thyroid issues at the root & get your health back.

How much do you know about water you’re drinking? Comment WATER if you want to learn about how water works in your body ...

How much do you know about water you’re drinking?

Comment WATER if you want to learn about how water works in your body & the best type of water to drink.


When they’re wearing hazmat suits to grow your food that’s a red flag 🚩 Glyphosate is found in many packaged foods like ...

When they’re wearing hazmat suits to grow your food that’s a red flag 🚩

Glyphosate is found in many packaged foods like cereals, snacks & also Girl Scout cookies. 🍪 Glyphosate is a patented antibiotic that’s water soluble.

On a water planet it goes everywhere. It can’t be contained. You’re breathing it in. It can get into your body through your skin, according to a study published in France last summer. The dangers to ongoing glyphosate exposure are real & far reaching.

Glyphosate has been linked to;

❌ autoimmune issues
❌ thyroid problems
❌ certain cancers like non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
❌ autism
❌ infertility
❌ inflammatory bowel disease
❌ diabetes
❌ kidney disease

It destroys the human gut (like any antibiotic) & also affects protein folding in the body. It kills the soil & also affects protein folding in the plants it’s sprayed on.

4 billion pounds of this toxic antibiotic are dumped into the environment through its use. There are dead zones all along the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s in the air, food & water.

It harms people, animals, and the environment. There needs to be a universal ban on this poison. Even if you are eating organic you’re still affected because you’re breathing in air. Interestingly the same company that sprays this toxic chemical, Bayer, also makes pharmaceuticals. Create the problem, sell the solution.

You can get glyphosate out of your body. Comment GUT HEALTH if you to learn how.

Your gut is running the show—and it’s time to start paying attention.🧠✨Most people don’t realize that 90% of serotonin (...

Your gut is running the show—and it’s time to start paying attention.🧠✨

Most people don’t realize that 90% of serotonin (your happiness hormone) is made in the gut.

When digestion is off, it directly impacts your mood, energy, and focus.

Processed foods, chronic stress, and dehydration create inflammation that disrupts the gut-brain
connection, leading to brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue.

When you nourish your microbiome with whole foods, hydration, and the right nutrients, your body naturally starts to rebalance.

Prioritize your gut. Your body & mind will thank you. 🌿💚

Foods engineered in a lab aren’t food! They shouldn’t even be called food. I call them franken foods or food like substa...

Foods engineered in a lab aren’t food! They shouldn’t even be called food. I call them franken foods or food like substances.

Many people are under the mistaken belief that if these are sold in a store that they can’t be that bad for you. But they are. Ultra processed foods do quite a number on your body in the following ways:

❌ they override natural satiety signals leading to metabolic dysfunction
❌ high jack your taste buds leading to addiction
❌ lab made formulas trick your brain into thinking you’re eating something real
❌ high fructose corn syrup spikes your insulin contributing to fatty liver, insulin resistance & metabolic dysfunction
❌ additives such as disodium guanylate & inosinate artificially stimulate your appetite making you want more

The human body isn’t designed to process these types of non foods. It’s very hard on your gut & the chemicals in these franken foods put a stress on your liver which has to process them.

The best thing to for your health is to skip ultra processed foods entirely. Your body will thank you!

Share with anyone who needs to see this! Health is true wealth. 💚


🚶‍♀️ Your body thrives on movement. It’s not about perfection—it’s about finding joy in staying active!Whether it’s a wa...

🚶‍♀️ Your body thrives on movement. It’s not about perfection—it’s about finding joy in staying active!
Whether it’s a walk, yoga, or dancing around your kitchen, daily movement has incredible benefits:

✔️ Reduces stress and boosts mood.
✔ ️ Strengthens your heart and muscles.
✔️ Increases energy and focus.

💡 Tip: Start small. Walk for 20 minutes or try a beginner yoga class on YouTube. What’s your favorite way to move? Share it below! 👇🏽

This post isn’t to shame anyone or make anyone feel bad if they’re on Ozempic or even other pharmaceuticals.It’s importa...

This post isn’t to shame anyone or make anyone feel bad if they’re on Ozempic or even other pharmaceuticals.

It’s important to be informed. You can make an informed decision when you understand the benefits and drawbacks of different medications.

Ozempic has been marketed at a “miracle pill” by the company that sells it & doctors. Rather than address diet and lifestyle, Ozempic has been a go to. It’s even being looked at for children which is pretty shocking considering the side effects.

I’ve met with several clients in the past couple of years who didn’t fully understand the negative side effects of Ozempic. When they stopped taking it the weight they were trying to lose came back.

Some of the side effects of Ozempic are:

❌ stomach paralysis- this can lead to nausea, vomiting, constipation, or strong feelings of fullness
❌ gallbladder issues
❌ gallstones
❌ pancreatitis
❌ thyroid cancer
❌ vision loss
❌ kidney issues
❌ mental distress (suicidal ideation)

Ozempic is used quite often for type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a diet and lifestyle related illness. I’ve had many clients with type 2 diabetes reverse it by addressing diet and lifestyle changes.

Many of the chronic illnesses that people are dealing with are related to poor diet and lifestyle. There’s no “magic pill” that will make up for poor habits.

The best thing you can do for yourself is decide to healthy for real. If you’re ready to get started on your work to health comment ELEVATE & I’ll send you info on my group program where the focus is on addressing the root causes of chronic health issues.


Save & share so others can understand the profound benefits of sleep. 💤 Sleep is the unsung hero of health. There are so...

Save & share so others can understand the profound benefits of sleep. 💤

Sleep is the unsung hero of health. There are so many vital processes that happen while you sleep:

😴memory consolidation
😴hormonal balance
😴stress reduction
😴deep cellular repair
😴 reorganization of nerve cells which helps with brain function
😴 elimination of toxic waste

Sleep, especially deep sleep, is vital for helping your body to recover from the day. If your goal is weight loss you must prioritize sleep.

A lack of sleep is seen as state of emergency by your body. Your body won’t release weight or repair properly if you’re sleep deprived.

Let me know in the comments 👇🏽 Which tips are you going to apply?

Our crew got together today at one of fave spots. 3 out of 5 of us aren’t eating at the moment. We’re doing a combo of s...

Our crew got together today at one of fave spots. 3 out of 5 of us aren’t eating at the moment. We’re doing a combo of superfoods and juicing. This is day 19 of 40 for myself and Michael & a week into 30 days for our friend Dennis.

I watched my friend Jen enjoy her burrito & dessert. Didn’t bother me that she was eating & I wasn’t.

Last year I did 111 days of just juicing and superfoods. I still went to lunches, dinners & events. In fact I even went to very fancy events while I was doing that protocol without any issues.

Why would anyone subject themselves to not eating? Here are some of my reasons:

✅ to move the body into deeper detox

✅ rest the digestive system & use that energy to help repair the body

✅ create a healthier mindset around food. Let’s face it, most people have addictive patterns around food. I like to practice non attachment & not be a slave to cravings.

✅ by abstaining from certain foods it’s a prime opportunity to address parasites on a deeper level. This time I’m doing a 60 day parasite protocol.

✅ nourishing & hydrating my body more deeply with superfoods

✅ work on my mindset & release any unhealthy habits around food

✅ use this opportunity to meditate and come into stillness & silence

Our culture drives addictive patterns to everything- food, alcohol, coffee, shopping, social media, s*x. There’s big money in keeping people sick & addicted. Feed people toxic food, get them addicted & then when they get sick keep them medicated.

95% of diseases are diet and lifestyle related. You can’t address root causes of diet and lifestyle diseases with a pill. Your body is designed to heal itself but you have to give it the right tools.

Eating everyday without ever resting the digestive system is a recipe for chronic illness, especially if you’re on the SAD (Standard American Diet). No wonder the disease stats are out of control.

Are you done with feeling tired, bloated & not yourself? If you’re ready to get healthy at the cell level, send me a message or comment below. Your health is your true wealth. 💚

🌳💰💯 ❤️

True power lies in a healthy mind, body & soul. Comment ELEVATE to get started on your journey to vibrant health. I’ve l...

True power lies in a healthy mind, body & soul. Comment ELEVATE to get started on your journey to vibrant health.

I’ve lived in a sick body & now a healthy body. When I was living with hypothyroidism & hashimoto’s life really sucked. The best thing I did for myself was get healthy.

I prefer living in a healthy body. It’s a lot more fun & I have much better creation power. Waking up everyday with energy & vitality is the best! 🎉🙌🏽

It’s not a mystery why there’s a chronic disease epidemic:

❌ toxic & gmo foods
❌ chemicals in the food, air, water & products sold
❌ not enough movement
❌ poor hydration
❌ limited time in the sunshine
❌ EMFs
❌ parasites

It’s also possible to reverse illness because the body is self healing. By changing:

✅ quality of food
✅ proper hydration
✅ movement
✅ detox from the heavy metals & chemicals
✅ optimization of sleep
✅ addressing parasites

It’s possible to get your health on track. Comment ELEVATE if you’re looking for guidance & support on your health journey. This group program focuses on addressing the root causes of chronic illness. You receive:

✅ live weekly calls
✅ recorded monthly videos
✅ recipes & food lists
✅ a community group
✅ meditations
✅ movement practices

If you’re sick & tired of being sick & tired, this program will change your life! Comment ELEVATE to get all the details. 💚🙌🏽

I go live every Monday from my YouTube to share info and answer questions. The biggest question I always get is related ...

I go live every Monday from my YouTube to share info and answer questions. The biggest question I always get is related to parasite cleansing.

On today’s live I dove into that topic. You can watch here- https://www.youtube.com/live/Ju7TJWXJDzI?si=JyE0tGHFQ_jXD-1H

If you find value in the content subscribe to the channel & hit the notification bell so you’re notified every new content is posted.

I have so much holistic health info in my brain that I relaunched my YouTube so I can get this information into the world. Sadly I speak to so many people daily who don’t understand how to nourish and take care of their most prized possession- their body.

Feel free to share with anyone you think may value this information. Sharing is caring! 🎉

If you want help or support on your health journey check out the resources on my website- https://www.balancelifewithjulie.com There’s a blog, video resources and more! ❤️

True power lies in a healthy mind, body & soul. I’ve reversed hypothyroidism & hashimoto’s. I’ve lived in a sick body & ...

True power lies in a healthy mind, body & soul. I’ve reversed hypothyroidism & hashimoto’s. I’ve lived in a sick body & now a healthy body.

I prefer living in a healthy body. It’s a lot more fun & I have much better creation power. Waking up everyday with energy & vitality is the best! 🎉🙌🏽

It’s not a mystery why there’s a chronic disease epidemic:

❌ toxic & gmo foods
❌ chemicals in the food, air, water & products sold
❌ not enough movement
❌ poor hydration
❌ limited time in the sunshine
❌ EMFs
❌ parasites

It’s also possible to reverse illness because the body is self healing. By changing:

✅ quality of food
✅ proper hydration
✅ movement
✅ detox from the heavy metals & chemicals
✅ optimization of sleep
✅ addressing parasites

It’s possible to get your health on track. Comment ELEVATE if you’re looking for guidance & support on your health journey. This group program focuses on addressing the root causes of chronic illness. You receive:

✅ live weekly calls
✅ recorded monthly videos
✅ recipes & food lists
✅ a community group
✅ meditations
✅ movement practices

If you’re sick & tired of being sick & tired, this program will change your life! Comment ELEVATE to get all the details. 💚🙌🏽

Last day for the Holistic Health Bundle! The Bundle is loaded with resources that cover a wide range of topics in holist...

Last day for the Holistic Health Bundle!

The Bundle is loaded with resources that cover a wide range of topics in holistic health:

• holistic oral care
• nutrition
• gentle detox
• movement
• breath work
• tapping (EFT)
• non toxic living
• and so much more!

It has 101 courses and guides valued at $5500 for only $50! It’s available only until 11:59 pm EST Jan 10th. My 5 day Break the Sugar Habit is a part of the Bundle. 🥰

Don’t miss out at having a great health resource at your fingertips! Get yours here-


Make 2025 your healthiest year yet! 🎉✅

In case no one has told you:❌ 95% of illnesses are related to poor diet & lifestyle ❌ pills don’t address root causes of...

In case no one has told you:

❌ 95% of illnesses are related to poor diet & lifestyle
❌ pills don’t address root causes of diseases
❌ side effects of medications lead to more medications to deal with the side effects
❌ taking medications long term stress your liver, gut and kidneys

Your body can regenerate and heal itself. I’ve now witnessed this in thousands of people & am no longer shocked when my clients tell me how their health has improved.

What if getting healthier is easier than you think? What if you could tap into a guideline of how to get started? That’s exactly what the Holistic Health Bundle is!

It has:

✅ 101 courses and programs on a range of holistic health topics
✅ curated to bring you the best from experts in the holistic health space
✅ nutritionists, Chinese medicine doctors, regenerative health practitioners & other experts have some together to offer this exciting resource
✅ the full value of the Bundle is $5500 but until Jan 10th the bundle is 99% off!
✅ you can get it today for only $50

My 5 day No Sugar Challenge is a part of the Bundle! It’s an easy way to get started on your health journey.

Comment Bundle & I’ll send you the link!

Do you see what’s going on? Hope it’s becoming more and more apparent what’s happening. In case you haven’t caught on le...

Do you see what’s going on? Hope it’s becoming more and more apparent what’s happening. In case you haven’t caught on let me break down:

❌ grow toxic GMO foods sprayed with glyphosate
❌ sell people toxic foods (lie & say that’s the only “food” available)
❌ when they get sick promote western medicine as the “only” solution to their ailments
❌ actively vilify holistic health practices
❌ get them on toxic drugs for life which require other toxic drugs to manage the side effects of the initial drugs (Death from these legal drugs is the third leading cause of death in the US)
❌ never address the root causes of any disease ever
❌ while people get sicker make billions in profit for the fast food & processed food companies, the lobby groups, politicians, meat & dairy industries, “healthcare” (aka sick care management), big pharma, and shareholders
❌ keep promoting this as the only way even though it hurts everyone

Always follow the money! 💰 There’s nothing wrong with making money. It’s an agreed upon way we exchange goods & services in society. HOWEVER there has to be EQUAL value exchange.

When there are companies profiting in the billions off of getting people sick & then keeping them sick that’s seriously messed up. It’s sick, twisted and UNETHICAL.

There are solutions available now for quality food, water, personal care products & so much more. You can message me directly if you want to learn what I use & why.

For the second year in a row I’m a part of the Holistic Health Bundle. This is one easy way to kick start your health journey. The Bundle has:

✅ 100 ebooks & digital courses about holistic health
✅ Over $5000 of value for JUST $50 ‘til Jan 10th
✅ Courses about herbalism, non toxic living, Chinese medicine, detoxification, breath practices, holistic dental care & so much more!
✅ My 5 day No Sugar Challenge is one of the digital courses

If 2025 is there year to want to prioritize your health comment BUNDLE & I’ll send you info! Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet!

Health comes from healthy habits. There are no quick fixes or magic pills. 💊 It’s easy & simple to make diet & lifestyle...

Health comes from healthy habits. There are no quick fixes or magic pills. 💊

It’s easy & simple to make diet & lifestyle changes that promote health & vitality. Health comes from

✅ Quality nutrition
✅ Moving daily
✅ Proper hydration
✅ Sleep
✅ Being in community with others
✅ Sunshine before 10am
✅ Developing a positive mindset

If you’re ready to embark on your health journey look no further than the Holistic Health Bundle! It has over 100 courses and PDFs designed to give you the simple and easy solutions to get your health on track!

Over $5000 USD of holistic health information for just $50 USD! That’s a whopping 99% off! 🤯 In the bundle you’ll find:

✅ detox tips
✅ recipes
✅ breathing techniques
✅ non toxic lifestyle tips
✅ Chinese medicine
✅ Qigong
✅ wellness strategies
✅ overcoming food addictions
✅ and more!

Health is foundational for a happy life. I have a 5 day video course in the bundle. Commend BUNDLE or go to the link in my bio. Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year ever!


Spring, TX


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Our story

I am VERY passionate about health and wellbeing. How can you function in your work, relationships or life without feeling good in your body? I started out as an actor and filmmaker but also started teaching yoga as my passion for helping others grew. Becoming a Health and Nutrition coach was a natural shift for me as my desire to help others deepened. I started reading about the link between Nutrition and Health when I was ten years old. Along with my film career I continued to learn about health and nutrition. I started on my yoga journey when I was in theatre school. Having a consistent yoga practice helped me to see the value in having a healthy body.

When I started on my path as a yoga teacher my primary intent was to help people. I thought if I helped people to connect with their bodies I could help make people healthier. Years into teaching I realize that true health requires much more than just how we move our bodies. It's what we eat, how much we sleep, our mindset, our relationships, supplements, mindfulness, self care and our connection to ourselves. What works for one person doesn’t work as well for another. There is a need to tailor an approach to each individual because all of us are unique. The sudden passing of my husband the fall of 2012 caused my whole world view to shift dramatically. It’s a tragedy that has shaped how I live and the work I choose to do. After his death my whole body shut down and ultimately my thyroid and adrenals weren't functioning. I've spent years trying to get my health on track. I suffered from sleep disorders, chronic joint and back pain, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, and embarrassing skin issues. I went to several doctors and naturopaths but had little success. It was the suggestion of a friend in the summer of 2017 that caused a complete turn around in my health. Within 6 weeks all my joint and back pain was gone, my skin cleared, my energy and zest for life was back! After 5 years of searching for a solution it took one conversation to turn my life around. I wake up every day grateful for my friend's suggestion. She helped me get my life back on track. Once I started coaching I created Bye Bye Sugar. My first client was me. I lost weight, gained even more energy and mental clarity. Everyone who has gone through Bye Bye Sugar has experienced weight loss, better sleep, boost in energy, a reduction in stress levels and better mood. It is my sincere hope that I can help others to find hope and healing. Our body is our home. We need our body to be healthy so that we can enjoy life to its fullest. I hope that you find the information on this page useful. Feel free to message me for group or individual coaching. xo Julie