How to Forgive Yourself, A Summer Series, Day 11
10 Reasons You Should Forgive Yourself
Reason 8
Your own physical health will be at stake.
Medical research shows unforgiveness literally hurts your heart, which in turn, affects your entire body. Holding grudges, unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness leads to many health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, breast cancer and other ailments. Anger and rage builds up within our emotions and we fly off the handle at any little thing that goes against our grain. When you have “dis-ease” in your body, it can turn into “disease”.
I don’t want you to think that if you are already experiencing some of these conditions, this is the reason. But with some, this could be the case. If you are holding all of this anger against yourself, it then becomes double trouble for your body. I’ve heard many testimonies and I know friends that when they forgave those who hurt them the most and forgave themselves, their stomach issues were healed, their breast cancer disappeared and their blood pressure returned to normal. The Mayo Clinic Staff advises, “If you don’t practice forgiveness, YOU will be the one who pays most dearly.” By embracing forgiveness, you also embrace peace, hope, gratitude, and joy. Consider how forgiveness will lead you down the path to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being!
Forgiveness is unique and gives “depth” to the kingdom of God because everything within us says “no.” God is calling us to “grow-up” as children of God and do this! Don’t wait for them to be sorry. Don’t wait for things to be fair. Fairness does not live here, but sure Jesus does! Step up and be the one who is a true Christian and live in total freedom. Live with a healthy heart, a healthy mind and healthy emotions!