Heaven Schwilke - Birth Doula

Heaven Schwilke - Birth Doula Birth is finding your balance between strength + surrender. It is an honor to support families as they bring babies earth side.

Birth Doula in Spokane, WA and Northern Idaho.


Wow! This video is incredible.
Local pelvic floor therapist Dr. Katie Goeckner at Rise Women's Core Wellness perfectly explains the basics of diaphragmatic breathing!

So worth the read!Momma’s! You DO NOT have to allow anything that doesn’t sit right with you!You absolutely have say ove...

So worth the read!

Momma’s! You DO NOT have to allow anything that doesn’t sit right with you!

You absolutely have say over your labor & delivery.

You CAN say no.

Bodily autonomy does not go out the window just because your care provider entered the room ✌🏻

Ok, we might get some kickback on this BUT, people need to hear this...

Your providers fingers do NOT need to be in your va**na the WHOLE time you are pushing! As doulas, we have seen this so many times, mom is pushing on her back, the provider pushes down on the perineum instructing her to “push right here” and continues to keep their fingers in the birth canal, pressed against the perineum the whole duration of the pushing stage.

Let us tell you this: there is no evidence to support this practice. In fact, letting the perineum stretch on its own, with the mother pushing intuitively, is the best way to stretch the perineum and avoid tearing.

In addition, the way they press on the perineum doesn’t mimic the natural birth process at all. Their fingers will sweep side to side to stretch while the head of the baby presses outward and then releases back, never constant, and always with the right amount of pressure.

So, about this shirt... on episode 161 of our podcast, The VBAC Link, we talk with Brittany of Blossoming Bellies Wholistic Birth Services about all sorts of things related to the pelvis and birth. This topic came up and many good shirt quotes came out of that episode!

This is Brian, aka our secret weapon/podcast editor/video editor/all around awesome guy. When he heard we were going to make a shirt with this phrase on it he said “Send me one, I will wear it and I will send you a picture!” Obviously we jumped on that ASAP!

This dude knows WAY more about birth, Cesarean, and VBAC by editing our podcasts than he probably would ever care to know. Huge shoutout to Brian!

So, give that episode a listen, advocate for your rights, and keep people out of your perineum!

How did you push? What helped? What would you do different next time?

Grab your shirt at thevbaclink.com/bonfire

*sometimes it does help to have guidance to know where to direct your pushing efforts, but once pushing is mastered, get those fingers out! You can also learn from accounts like Brittany’s and MamasteFit & The Doulas of Mamaste on how to push before labor even begins!*

Understanding breast anatomy can be so beneficial during the fourth trimester!•Often times the fourth trimester is where...

Understanding breast anatomy can be so beneficial during the fourth trimester!

Often times the fourth trimester is where engorgement, clogged milk ducts, and mastitis rear their ugly heads.

Knowing the anatomy helps when/if you need to work remedies for pain relief + recovery.

More to come on common roadblocks that appear during milk production.

**The illustration was created by the so-very talented Student Midwife Studygram & has been reposted with permission**

The ugly truth is anyone can experience anxiety. In fact, most of us experience it at some point in our lives. Some for ...

The ugly truth is anyone can experience anxiety.

In fact, most of us experience it at some point in our lives. Some for short periods of time, others for much longer.

Approximately 6% of pregnant women & 10% of postpartum women experience some form of anxiety.

Keep in mind, I said women. These statistics strictly reflect on PPA for mothers in America. I think it’s safe to assume the numbers are much greater, taking into consideration there are a number of women that do not report back w/their postpartum anxiety. There are also several groups not included in these statistics.

So let’s dive in, shall we?
Postpartum Anxiety, aka PPA, is a natural response often due to feeling unsafe, threatened, and/or hyper-aware. The way I perceive PPA is a “fight or flight” response.

When we hold our first born, outside of our bodies for the very first time, our brain changes (really our brains change constantly). We go into Hyper Alert mode & that in itself is exhausting. Add sleep deprivation, inconsistent/insufficient meals, feeling a shift in daily life, PLUS hormones...and you’ve got yourself a recipe for anxiety.

Some signs of postpartum anxiety are...
Loss/gain of appetite•difficulty sleeping•irritability•subconscious muscle tension•difficulty concentrating•forgetfulness.
Some unique facts about anxiety...
1. Anxiety can cause balance problems. Who knew?
2. Not all of anxiety is mental! Think of it as a chain reaction. The stressor starts in your mind & can overflow into your body! Physical side effects are dizziness, headaches, shaking, &/or rapid heart rate, sweating, and stomach aches.
3. THINGS SMELL BAD. What?! Yep. When we feel anxious, our emotional receptors can get caught up w/our sensory processor. What does this mean? Smells that were once neutral probably now smell horrible, esp when feeling anxious.

Anxiety may be common but recommendations for help are not. If you/your partner are experiencing symptoms of extreme worry, discontentment, &/or all around anxious, reach out to a trusted professional! Speak w/your OB/Midwife, w/your birth/pp doula, or childbirth educator. They will gladly give suggestions on who can help.
You’re not alone & you’ve got this 💪🏻



Such a neat organ! If you like anything birthy or are curious what a placenta does/how it functions, watch this video.

Fun fact, and possibly my favorite...
A placenta is the only, truly disposable organ. Our body creates this organ with the sole purpose to sustain life. Once the placenta is no longer of use, it naturally expels itself. And with each pregnancy, a new placenta is grown- perfect for your sweet babe.

Earlier today, I spoke with my doula mentor  (aka Miri) about a recent consultation. The client and I were excited to me...

Earlier today, I spoke with my doula mentor (aka Miri) about a recent consultation.
The client and I were excited to meet each other (thanks zoom!) and we hit it off right away! Unfortunately, for understandable reasons, this client did not book with me.
Miri gave me some encouragement and spoke her words of wisdom, as usual 💗
Not long after my conversation with Miri, I decided to rearrange my room 😂 I know, plot twist. Long story short, I unplugged my alarm clock which meant I had to reset it. While doing so...my alarm clock stuck and wouldn’t pass 3:33pm (current time was 3:45 in case you’re wondering). After what felt like an eternity of waiting I was finally able to finish setting my alarm clock 😂
I believe a divine sign of 333 prominently stared me in the face through my alarm clock. The meaning behind the divine sign 333 is a reminder to keep growing and learning. The path that I am on is exactly where I am meant to be.
Earlier this week Miri said “advocacy is a lonely road”. One that, thanks to her, I know is very much worth it.
Recently, I was on a small hiatus from Instagram & Facebook. I was questioning myself and position as a birth worker, to say the least. But after good conversation and what I believe to be a sign...I’m confident I’m on the right pathway.
I am motivated. I am driven. I am inspired and so excited.
That’s all for now ✌🏻 just speaking my thoughts

The famous “What to pack in your birth bag” post! 💁🏻‍♀️✨•Of course, how you choose to pack your bag is completely up to ...

The famous “What to pack in your birth bag” post! 💁🏻‍♀️✨

Of course, how you choose to pack your bag is completely up to you. I’m just here to toss out some ideas!

So...what should mom pack?
-a change of clothes, or two. Something you’ll be comfortable and cozy in post delivery. Some mommas prefer robes or cozy house dresses.
-comfy cozy socks. Consider finding socks with grip! If you deliver at a hospital, your provider may offer you some.
-a water bottle (stay hydrated y’all!)
-honey sticks (to keep momma energized)
-toiletries: bring your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, anything that will help you feel like YOU after delivering
-hair ties: don’t forget them. You’re probably going to want them. Or you can hire a doula and she’ll probably provide them 😉
-glasses/contacts & contact supplies
-phone charger

What to pack for you & and your little one(s)...
-going home outfit
-backup going home outfit. Maybe in a larger/smaller size than the first outfit. Babes don’t always come out the size that we expect them to be!
-diapers & wipes: again, different sizes of diapers may be beneficial
-one to two swaddle blankets + another warmer blanket for cold weather babies
-nursing pads
-ni**le cream
-nursing pillow
-something not on the image above...a haaka or breast pump!!

Something to keep in mind is that it is better to over pack than to under pack. Especially when you’re bringing a sweet new little babe home!

Also, try to install your car seat base before you go into labor! This eliminates the stress of your partner, or you, having to take care of this during or after labor & delivery.

Staying hydrated is the bee’s knees, y’all.🔻There are so many physical benefits when you keep up on your water intake, p...

Staying hydrated is the bee’s knees, y’all.
There are so many physical benefits when you keep up on your water intake, pregnant or not. Start by finding out exactly how much water your body needs for it to stay hydrated. Then reap the rewards 💁🏻‍♀️
• increased energy
• decreased swelling
• decreases constipation
• decreases likelihood of developing hemorrhoids
• regulates body temperature
• decreases risk of UTI
• decreases risk of preterm labor/preterm birth
How do you know if you’re drinking enough water? Usually lighter/clearer urine indicates good hydration! Struggling to drink all that water? Fruit, veggies, teas, and smoothies are all delicious ways to get that hydration taken care of.
You may be in the bathroom more than you’d like, but hydration is key for a happy body 🤗✨

Hi, here I am! The face behind Malachite Doula! I figured now would be a good time for an introduction 🤗My name is Heave...

Hi, here I am! The face behind Malachite Doula! I figured now would be a good time for an introduction 🤗
My name is Heaven and here’s some fun facts about me...
• My passion for birth work began nearly four years ago, during my pregnancy with my second babe (we’ll come back to this later 😉)
• I have three daughters, with three very different personalities
• I taught dance for 10 years- primarily ballet & competitive dance
• I’m a sucker for anything sweet. Especially doughnuts
• Standing at 5’2” I am an entire foot shorter than my husband
• I loooove creating the cutest little hoop stitch & macrame pieces
What about you? Anyone have any fun, weird, or crazy personal facts? Let’s hear ‘em!

APGAR is an abbreviation for appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, & respiration. The APGAR Score is a commonly practice...

APGAR is an abbreviation for appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, & respiration. The APGAR Score is a commonly practiced test amongst Midwives and Obstetricians (and nurses). Your newborn(s) will score on a scale from 0-10 performed at both 1 & 5 minutes after birth. Depending on the score, your little one may continue to undergo a reoccurring test, every 5 minutes lasting up to 20 minutes after birth.

The 1 minute score tells your medical professional how well your little one(s) handled the birthing process.

The 5 minute score indicates how well your little one(s) is adjusting outside of the womb.

The APGAR test itself is nothing to be nervous about and is non-invasive. Gentle hands, a sharp eye, and a handy stethoscope is all that your health care provider needs. The APGAR Score is a great tool your provider will use to determine how well your little one is doing.

The APGAR test includes 5 categories- breathing effort, heart rate, muscle tone, reflexes, and skin color. Each of which are scored 0, 1, or 2 at the time of the test.

In the case that your little ones APGAR Score is below 7, your medical professional (be it your Midwife or OB) will know how to best help your babe complete their transition to the outside world.

The average newborn scores between 7-9 with only 11% of babies scoring a 10 on their 1 minute test. Studies show that number then increases to 89% at 5 minutes and 97% at 10 minutes.

Questions? Leave a comment below! Have information? Let’s hear it! I’m always down for

A couple of nights ago, I sat in on a prenatal meet up as the back up doula. The primary doula neared the end of the app...

A couple of nights ago, I sat in on a prenatal meet up as the back up doula. The primary doula neared the end of the appointment and asked the expecting momma “what are your plans for YOU postpartum?” You know what this sweet momma said?
“I haven’t really thought about it”
That stuck with me. On the drive home, through the night, and honestly off & on throughout the following day.
As moms (parents) we often put our tiny human’s needs far above our own. We try our best to meet their needs and fill their cup, so to speak. But what happens when your needs aren’t being met? What if you try to pour into their cup from your empty one?
You hit your wall, you burn out. You find yourself exhausted and a nap no longer does the trick. Maybe you’re quick to anger or cry, or both! There’s a chance you don’t experience any of these or maybe something else entirely.
Mama’s, just as you plan for your labor & delivery, plan for your postpartum. Come up with ideas on what you can do to continue to feel like YOU. Because you deserve it.
Listen to your gut. Pay attention to your feelings. Of course, focus on your littles. But also, focus on YOU. Learn your triggers and when you’re cup is nearing empty.
Come up with a plan of action. Don’t know where to start? The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson & Breathe Mama Breath by Shonda Moralis are two of my favorite books. The perfect read for sorting through feelings and learning you’re not alone on your postpartum journey.
Making time for you can literally be as simple as a shower. Or a hot meal. Maybe it’s more physical and you’re in need of a chiropractic adjustment. Or it’s mental/emotional and you look to speak with a therapist/counselor. Get in tune with YOU and know when you need time for YOU, as well as what you can do for you!
Because mama, you matter too.

Where are my hikers at? Outdoor enthusiasts? Tree huggers & nature lovers?Anyone else enjoy the escape to fresh air, tal...

Where are my hikers at? Outdoor enthusiasts? Tree huggers & nature lovers?
Anyone else enjoy the escape to fresh air, tall trees, and endless trails? That’s my jam!
Nature is so grounding, so calming. My little family and I try to escape to the mountains at least once a week.
What about you? Where is your go to adventure spot? Any locals have recommendations? Throw ‘em my way!

Common fetal positions during delivery!The position of baby in utero is called the Presentation of the Fetus. When speak...

Common fetal positions during delivery!
The position of baby in utero is called the Presentation of the Fetus. When speaking of direction there are specific words used by doctors, midwives, and many other professionals.
The first image is a diagram of the pelvis. Above the pelvis is the word “Posterior”. This word refers to the backside of ones pelvis. Under the picture of the pelvis, there is the word “Anterior” simply referring to the frontside of ones pelvis. Another important term to know is “Occiput” meaning the BACKSIDE of baby’s HEAD. In the post I will explain the presentation of the fetus in a head-down position (cephalic presentation).
To some, this may seem out of order. If this applies to you, bare with me 😂
In the second image you’ll find a cute little baby with the letters “LOA” down below. LOA stands for “Left Occiput Anterior”. Which means the back of baby’s head (Occiput) is facing the front-left (Anterior-Left) of moms body, aka the left of her belly button. This position is most common as baby enters the pelvis during a va**nal delivery.
The image following reads “ROA” beneath. Which I’m sure you can assume means “Right Occiput Anterior”. This means the back of baby’s head (Occiput) is facing the front-right (Anterior-Right) of moms body, aka the right of her belly button.
Next is the image of baby with the letters “LOP” underneath. LOP stands for “Left Occiput Posterior”. Simplified, the back of baby’s head (Occiput) is facing mom’s back-left side (Posterior-Left), better known as the left side of mom’s tailbone.
And last is the image of baby with the letters “ROP” underneath. ROP stands for “Right Occiput Posterior”. This means the back of baby’s head (Occiput) is facing mom’s back-right side (Posterior-Right), aka the right side of mom’s tailbone...


Let’s talk labor positions!

There are SO MANY amazing positions to labor in! You can walk, sit, stand, lie down, you can even chill on all fours! Really, whatever is most comfortable for momma during contractions.

Chances are, your body knows what it needs to help your baby make their way to & through the birth canal. If you’re feeling a certain position during labor, try it out!

Plan on using an epidural? No worries! You’ve got options too! There’s sitting in a supported, reclined throne position, side lying with pillow/peanut ball support, you can even have your partner- or doula 😬 - support one leg while you lay on your side.

Your labor position can definitely enhance your progress! If labor has stalled, or something just doesn’t feel ideal, change it up! The beautiful thing about it all is that YOU decide what is best for YOU.


Spokane, WA



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