Real Emergency Survival is a unique and life saving approach for you, your family and community to use as a guideline for survival in an emergency or catastrophic situation. Our approach is that you must start today to begin to prepare for such events such as severe weather, civil unrest, martial law, collapse of the economy, tyranny, crime, starvation, terrorism,
nuclear catastrophe, bad health and many other emergencies that you may or may not anticipate. Real Emergency Survival is unique because we view an emergency or catastrophe as real time events. Your training should first begin with by making sure that you and your family members are healthy and fit before an emergency. Your family should be well informed about alternative meeting places. Your kids should be aware that cell phones, the internet and all other electronic devices may not be available. When an emergency occurs the best way to protect your family is to focus…plan…and take or don’t take action. With kids crying, thirsty, hungry, restless…etc…you are not operating at full capacity or in real time. This is life or death for you and your family. Real Emergency Survival training should be self motivated and geared toward your environment, situations and your plan of action. Real Emergency Survival is powerful and it empowers you to face real time emergencies with health, fitness, nutrition, preparation, finances, emergency training, survival training and more… All types of survival training is an asset to you and your family. You may train your family how to protect yourselves if a violent mob is crashing down your front door. In Real Emergency Survival… in our real time training…we teach real time preparation. For Example: What if the mob or gangs are crashing down your front door…back door…windows and garage door? How do you react… if you are overwhelmed… or they over power you? What if they took everything that you have…even your children? Think in real time…bargain for your kids…have a knife or gun accessible that they can’t find…use it all in real time. Finally how trained are the kids…if they are forced into a car do they have maze…a smoke bomb…knife and other weapons?
“Prepare Now and Live For Real”…