Will be here before you know it!!
November 30th...
Dinner and Dancing...
Call now to make your reservation and save a few $$'s
Dennis Bosse will be your DJ
Ed Evangelista will be your instructor...
Dancing for all - Line Dance, West Coast Swing - 2 Step!!
Halloween 🎃 Party Powder Ridge Park Oct 31st. #Halloween #party #dance
Liar, liar, trucks 🛻 on fire 🔥
Karaoke Kompetition - August 2024
Need to keep judging fair. We will be using a decibel meter - louder applause / cheers the better. This will eliminate the personality aspect / issues of a judged competition.
No mechanical noise makers allowed. Including but not limited to: air horns, bells, whistles, musical instruments, etc. Anyone trying to enhance the score with the use of a mechanical device may face being removed from the club.
Decibel meter - max reading
- Strictly a largest number wins
- No mechanical noise makers including but not limited to: whistles, horns, bells, etc.
- Warm ups at 8:00
- Start scoring at 9:00 - all singers will be scored.
- 11:30 scoring ends
- 11:45 top 5 "sing off"
- Weekly winner receives $50
- A person can only win / qualify once
- Dates for qualifications and win $50 - August 2, 9, 16, 23
- August 30th - will give one wild card entry … determined by highest score by 11:30
- No monetary award for wild card.
- 4 weekly winners and the wild card will sing one song for final score - high score wins. In case of tie - will do rounds of applause / cheering, with highest score winning.
There is no fee to join the competition.
There is no cover charge for club members.
Non-members $5 cover charge.
The louder the applause / cheers - the higher your score will be! Bring your cheering section for a better chance of winning!! Have Fun! - Get the crowd involved!
DJ / KJ decision is final.
All singers agree that photos, videos and recording may be taken. The use of these in marketing for Bristol Polish American Citizens Club, Steps & Sounds, their staff and partners will be allowed.
Crankin' Country
choreographer @Michelle Wright
recorded at Rocking Horse Smokehouse
Livin' On A Prayer
Having fun on a Sunday night!
3 generations…. Rude Dude. Rocking Horse Smokehouse #dance #linedancing
Livin’ on a prayer…. Lesson.
They did AWESOME 😎
Family friendly entertainment and dancing - Sunday Nights! Rocking Horse Smokehouse