It is out of the conviction that the ancient paths are of paramount importance to the education of our children that Nothing New Press was begun. Our books and curriculum materials emphasize the knowledge of the history of mankind and Western Civilization, beginning with the first historical act of import, God’s creation of the universe out of nothing. A complete understanding of where we have bee
n is the only adequate preparation for facing the uncertainties of the future, as we head into the twenty-first century. Original materials, such as All Through the Ages History Through Literature Guide, have been developed by Christine Miller, a college-educated homeschooling mom of three who has been homeschooling since 1988, in response to the curriculum needs that experienced homeschooling mothers share. Other materials being planned by other homeschooling moms and experienced educators will also become available as they are completed. Our life-calling of being wives and mothers, homemakers and homeschool teachers necessarily takes priority in our lives, therefore new curricula are completed without regard to deadlines as our free time permits. For the same reason, Nothing New Press currently does not exhibit at homeschool curriculum fairs, although other retailers who carry our materials do so. Inquire at their booths to examine any Nothing New Press books personally. Further hallmark of Nothing New Press materials is our attempt to make available again the wonderful curriculum that was commonly used in schools in centuries past, when academic standards were more rigorous and the acquiring of a Biblical worldview was considered just as important as the acquiring of reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. Guerber’s engaging histories of Western Civilization for children, out of print for almost a hundred years. The exceptional Elson Primary & Grammar School Readers, marvelous copywork resources out of print for over eighty years, are also forthcoming.