Motion and capturing the spirit of the moment are essential to the success of my “Performance Portraits".These elements combined with line, composition, texture, likeness of the performers, and spirit of the music in the air bring the drawings to life. Motion and capturing the spirit of the moment and sound, are essential to the success of my “Carbon Brushes”. These elements combined with line, co
mposition, texture and a likeness of the performer; along with the spirit of the music in the air bring these drawings to life. Carbon Brushes are peices of carbon that transfer energy from one moveable part to another in electrical and mechanical motors, somewhat like a the energy from the stage to a piece of paper through the individual with a piece of charcoal/conte made of carbon, in his hand. I have always had a huge interest in music since hearing the Beatles as a child. This combined with my children and their friends wanting to go to shows in their young teens, presented numerous chaperoning situations. Since I always try to look at the positive, this was a good opportunity for me to multi-task and draw live performers on stage to continue my drawing studies. The opportunity was that they moved. I like(d) the challenge of being able to capture the likeness and essence of each show. Whether the stage at the Quest, Turf Club, First Ave and many Warped Tours, whether it’s in a seat, crowd or the middle of the mosh pit, it doesn’t matter, it just lends itself to the situation and the drawings will reveal a presence of the performance even if likeness is lessend. Well over 500 quality drawings of performers in the last 10 years, over 275 different performers. Let me know what you think on fb or visit my website (still under construction) at and let me know what YOU think of the work. Thank you,
Rich Palodichuk