Board of Education is having an Open House tomorrow - recruiting substitutes!
Live from town hall in South Plainfield
SPJBC - "Our National Anthem"
SPJBC Opening Day Star Spangled Banner. A beautiful day and a beautiful rendition by Taylor Kurilew.
Anesh & Faustini - Fall Fest
Mayor Anesh & Councilwoman Faustini reading at the Fall Fest!
Congratulations South Plainfield Tigers. State Champions
I accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from Mayor Matthew Anesh, I am doing the challenge as well as donating to ALS. My aunt Antoinette has the disease and fighting everyday along with many others, so please in addition to the "challenge" make a donation. I am challenging, Linda Hansen from the South Plainfield Library, Glenn F Cullen, my husband as well as business partner, and from Fulton Bank of New Jersey, JoBeth JoBeth Germanio Mauriello.
Jojo and Coach Guida raise American Flag at Mosca dedication ceremony. Good luck Tigers in today's GMC game versus Colonia.
DeLair double
SPHS Softball defeats Perth Amboy 11-0. Here is video of Holly DeLair's double scoring Meghan Hughes earlier today. TAP your only place for SP news!