Success Forum

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Deaf people in Liberia are faced with enormous challenges. It mostly borders on communication, information sharing and o...

Deaf people in Liberia are faced with enormous challenges. It mostly borders on communication, information sharing and other access to social services.
They are called dumb or bobo in the Liberian setting, which simply means that they are outcast.
Most often during public functions, there are no sign language interpreters to be able to interpret for them, in order to enjoy the right to be informed. As a result they are left out of decision-making processes.

This, however, is about to change. In an interview with the newly elected officials of the Liberian National Association of the Deaf (LNAD), they mentioned that their task now is to bring the issues of the deaf community to the national conversation.
On April 4, 2024, LNAD held elections for it's new core of officers. Amb. Abdullah Tani Konateh was elected President, Garlikpa Dulu Moluwoi was elected as Vice President, Boimah H. Fahnbulleh was elected as Secretary General, Abraham M. Fofana was elected Financial Secretary and Kula Dukuly was elected as Treasurer.

In a conversation with the new team of officers, they pledge to do their best to provide better services and living conditions for deaf people in Liberia. Amb. Konateh said, deaf people have rights, and he will make sure those rights are respected. Deaf people will have access to higher education, specialized financial services and an improved working relationship with the International Federation of Deaf (IDF).

Success forum wish to congratulate the new team. We pledge our support to making sure that the deaf community in Liberia improve their access to better services.

Living with disabilities in Liberia poses a huge challenge, especially for the deaf community. One of such challenges is...

Living with disabilities in Liberia poses a huge challenge, especially for the deaf community. One of such challenges is access.
Access to information, education, and other social services is limited, and in some cases, non-existent.

Deaf people are those who can not speak and hear, or have limited speech and hearing abilities. The community in a unique form called sign language. This is the means through which they communicate. It entails the usage of hand gestures, body movement, facial expressions and lip-reading.

In most government sectors, this is not taken into consideration. For example, during the State of the Nation address (SONA), deaf people were excluded. They had to access what His Excellency Amb. Joseph Nyamah Boakai, Sr., president of the republic of Liberia, presented to the nation, because there was no sign language interpreters.

In order to change this narrative and to position deaf people in mainstream decision-making processes, provide more empowerment opportunities for deaf people and make their voices heard, a major stakeholders meeting was convened on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. The meeting was held at the residence of Mr. Edward Cheah, an ardent advocate for deaf people, who is also a deaf person.

Mr. Cheah welcomed everyone and encouraged all to speak about what they see as the challenges. He indicated that without working together, it would be difficult to achieve anything..

After series of deliberations and discussions, It was concluded that a petition would be drafted to be submitted to the upper house of the legislative branch of government (House of Senate).
The petition will include points such as:

1. The inclusion of deaf people in decision-making-the participantion of deaf people at the level of NCD;

2 The inclusion of deaf people at key ministries and agencies such as: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of health, etc.;

3 The inclusion of deaf people at the level of higher institution of leaning (University of Liberia);

4 The inclusion of sign language interpreters at all state functions and at key public sectors;

5 Raising the Budget allotted to deaf people in the NCD Budget;

6 Making the deaf representative at NCD second or first in decision-making.
Crafting of a social inclusion Bill targeting deaf people in Liberia

Mr. Joshua Bull, who represents the deaf community at National Commission on Disabilities (NCD), and serves as Deputy Director for Technical Services, updated everyone in attendance about the workings of the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD). It was agreed the he will tentatively remain at NCD representing the deaf community. He was tasked with the responsibility of conducting meetings to listen to the deaf community, and also update them about the work that NCD is doing in relation to the deaf community.

The deaf community requested that they be fully aware of what happens at NCD.
A working group was established created in order to continue the dialogue.

Also present at the Meeting was Madam Cecilia Cheah, who sated that she is willing to help take the petition to government and also to help the deaf community in Liberia. She is a relative of a deaf person (Mr. Edward Cheah), both of whom reside in the United States of America (USA). She is one of the chief conveners of the meeting which was held.

Speaking further, Madam Cheah, indicated that; "Liberia belongs to all Liberians, irrespective of their different abilities." She admonished deaf leaders to come together and work for the benefit of all the deaf people.

Success Forum will continue to provide more updates about the inner workings of the group and the deaf community in Liberia.

"Sharing is caring." This statement is indeed true. Look around you, and you will notice that someone is in need. Do you...

"Sharing is caring." This statement is indeed true. Look around you, and you will notice that someone is in need.
Do you have to have a lot in order to share?

Well, when asked what motivates her to want to share with those who are underprivileged, the response from Ayee Florence Ireland was succinct and heartwarming. She said; "I think my motivation will start off with having a sense of purpose". She furthered; " of my purposes in life is to help others even with the little that I have. I may not have a million dollars in my bank account but I believe that I have a million dollar heart. My desire to make a difference gives me a clear sense of purpose."

Miss Ireland is indeed a true humanitarian who finds every way possible to give back to society. She disclosed to Success Forum her plans to donate sanitary pads to girls in Liberia and provide food items to those most in need come December.
She said; "... just being a young girl that also grew up in Africa and spent some time in Liberia…I have experienced and know what it feels like to not have access to such basic necessities for something that naturally happens to our bodies as women."

Success Forum stands with you, Ayee Florence Ireland, on this journey.
Indeed we all can help. All it takes is a "million dollar heart."

We will provide more information to the public about this program as we get closer to December.

Photo Credit: Ayee Florence Ireland's Facebook gallery.

On Friday September 29, Wubu Foundation for Deaf children's Development international hosted a program to mark the offic...

On Friday September 29, Wubu Foundation for Deaf children's Development international hosted a program to mark the official closing of the month.
Deaf Awareness Month aims to increase public awareness of Deaf issues, people and culture, emphasizing the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion and raising awareness of the organizations locally, nationally and globally that support those who are deaf.

It was in this vain the Wubu Foundation used the month to spread campaign messages about the situation of Deaf people in Liberia. People were encouraged not to call Deaf people BohBoh or Dumb, which are some of the stereotypical ways they are referred to. Everyone in attendance was encouraged to show love to Deaf people and treat them as any other person would be. Deaf people at the program narrated some of the ordeals they have had to encounter in Liberia. In some cases they are considered to be "crazy" people, or people who have some form of "spiritual sickness."

Speaking to the Director, Mr. Uzondu Esionye, he stated that their organization was established with a goal to help develop the capacity of deaf people, especially children. He mentioned that the Founder, Wubu Hendricks, who herself is Deaf, wants deaf children to receive education at a very young age, something which will greatly help their cognitive abilities. The Director mentioned that although they focus on children, but as a result of the plights of Deaf people in general in Liberia, the organization sees itself helping Deaf people of all ages.
He indicated that the MackKowa Stevens Memorial Vocational Training Center, which is managed by the Foundation, is helping Deaf people acquire valuable livelihood skills training. The center was setup in memory of the brother of the Founder, who was also Deaf, and lost his life tragically in a road accident while commuting along the road. The Center is currently helping Deaf people learn Tie-dye, Soap making, sewing and African crafted handmade materials. Mr. Esionye encouraged all Deaf participants to take advantage of this opportunity. He indicated that in a short message he delivered on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer, Madam Olina Bailey, and members of the board.

The first International Day of the Deaf was celebrated by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) in 1958. The day of awareness was later extended to a full week, becoming the International Week of the Deaf, observed annually throughout the last full week of September. Now the week has been extended to an entire month of awareness.

Around the world, there are an estimated 70 million deaf people, according to WFD.
They are spread across the world. There are regions of the world where Deaf culture is widely popular, but there are others where more work needs to be done. It is the hope of the Foundation that more awareness will continue in order for Deaf people to be fully integrated into the society.

On August 14, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Multisectorial Reginal Offic...

On August 14, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Multisectorial Reginal Office, Abuja, in collaboration with National Commission on Disabilities (NCD), celebrated the International Youth Day in Liberia. Female youths with disabilities were invited to grace the occasion.

Sports is indeed a good way to bring people together, raise awareness, and share information. That was the case at the Invincible Sports Park. Female Deaf kickball team was coached by Zanimba Dugbo, a vibrant Deaf female who is doing all to advocate for Deaf female in Liberia. She works with Wubu Foundation for Deaf Children's Development international, an organization that is advocating and empowering Deaf children and youths in Liberia.
Developing the skills of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), especially Deaf people, will help to build a much more Inclusive society.

Congratulations to the Deaf female kickball team and coach for the good work.

"Social media can be a tool to pull people out of poverty, if used well",  these are the words of Veronica S  Mulbah, a ...

"Social media can be a tool to pull people out of poverty, if used well", these are the words of Veronica S Mulbah, a journalist and social-prenuer.

Ms. Mulbah is building a platform where she intends to reach out to ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things. "I want the public to learn from the successes and failures of others," she said, adding; "when people tell their stories, you just don't know the positive effect it could have on others".

The People's Insight will share a fascinating episode each week. The program will have various series. It also seeks to be a platform for businesses to advertise their services.

Congratulations Veronica S. Mulbah. We are proud to be a part of your journey.

Development at the grassroot level is absolutely critical. In order to achieve this, it is important to listen to those ...

Development at the grassroot level is absolutely critical. In order to achieve this, it is important to listen to those who will be directly affected by the development.
So it is with electoral district number 12, Monteserrado.

An independent Representative Aspirant, Hon. McSwain Saah Forkoh, is taking his message to the people of that district. In a recent interview with Success Forum, Forkoh said it is absolutely important that he tells the people of district 12 what his plans are, but what is even more important is listening to them, and finding ways to work alongside them.

"My desire is to see our people involved in decision-making," the young Aspirant said, noting that "whenever people feel a part of development initiatives, they will be able to meaningfully impact that process."
Hon. Forkoh revealed that in the coming days and weeks leading up to campaign exercises, he will be vigorously reaching out to people in his district who have ideas, questions and concerns about his intentions to serve the district as Representative in the lower House of Legislature.

As the election campaign is expected to begin soon, Success Forum will follow his campaign to see the development messages and initiatives Hon. Forkoh will be carrying and delivering.

Hon. McSwain Saah Forkoh holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the Duke University-Sanford Sanford School of Public Policy, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America.

Photo Credit: Hon. McSwain Saah Forkoh/ Representative Aspirant

On Friday, July 14, a turnover activity was carried out by the government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Gende...

On Friday, July 14, a turnover activity was carried out by the government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Affairs, Child Reintegration Centre (CRC), and the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, including Red Meets Green (RMG).

In an exclusive interview with Prezton Gonkerwon Vaye, who represents RMG, he revealed that a little child (name withheld), aged 12, was found in neighboring Sierra Leone. He said after thorough investigations by the local police authorities, they determined that the child had come from Liberia. She was brought to the Ministry of Gender of Sierra Leone, who then took her to Child Reintegration Centre(CRC), an organization that works with family tracing and family reintegration, for the purposes of family tracing.
Vaye said Red Meets Green, an organization that is currently running a Family Reunification & Strengthening project in partnership with CRC, was contacted, and they formed part of the reception activity.
The Assistant Minister for Children and Social Affairs, at the Ministry of Gender, Maminah Gorlon Carr Gaye, led the delegation from Liberia.
Vaye indicated that all efforts are being made to locate the family members of this little girl, and have her reunited with them.

Photo Credit: Prezton Gonkerwon Vaye

The pursuit of peace has eluded people across the world. Many would agree that the absence of war is not the presence of...

The pursuit of peace has eluded people across the world. Many would agree that the absence of war is not the presence of genuine peace. It goes beyond that. Therefore, the pursuit of peace is a journey that continues.

May 14th of each year is set aside to celebrate UNIFICATION in Liberia. This was a policy instituted by late President William V. S. Tubman, to highlight the gains the country had achieved then.
Since that time, though, Liberia has seen some of the worse violation of human rights and the total breakdown of peace and unification. Between 1990 and 2003, the country lost an upward of 250,000 people during the civil war.

Many years since the war ended, the pursuit of peace and unification have become the business of some.
In his remarks marking 2023 Unification Day, Acting National Peace Ambassador of Liberia, Eric S. Quaqua stated; "There is too much violence and hate in our country and too little trust and common ground among ourselves."

Amb. Quaqua used the occasion to launch the search for a National Unification Day PEACE HERO, on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Varney A. Sirleaf.
He said; "National Unification Day should serve as a reminder about what we hold in common, not to dwell on our disagreements. It can sometimes feel impossible to have the conversations we need to have to fix what is broken. And despite the many gains we have made since the war, there seems to still be a lot of work to be done."

Amb. Quaqua admonished fellow compatriots to "stand firm against any attempt to roll back the clock on the rights and opportunities that so many sacrificed so much to secure."
"I hold the conviction that we are stronger together, not separated into factions or sides, not shouting over each other. We must reject violence in all forms, and continue to promote tolerance, peace, and unity. These, I believe, are true tenets of democracy", he said.

As Liberia faces yet another Presidential and general elections, these remarks could not have come at an ideal moment. Every Liberian must do everything to mantain and build upon the gains that the country has seen, not return to the dark days of chaos.

At Success Forum, we stand with the message from the Acting National Peace Ambassador.
We owe it to future generations!
Thank you Sir!

Photo Credit: Eric S. Quaqua/ National Acting Peace Ambassador

Attachment Theory is mainly the importance of early emotional bond.It focuses on relationship between people, including ...

Attachment Theory is mainly the importance of early emotional bond.
It focuses on relationship between people, including those between parents and children.

These early bonds can have a lifetime effect on a child. It is highly IMPORTANT, especially in a setting where families have disintegrated. Caregivers must fully grasp this concept and do everything to implement it for the betterment of the child.

This is exactly what Red Meets Green (RMG) have done. University of Maine (USA), along with Child Rescue Center (Sierra Leone), developed the training manual. RMG in partnership with Peach Tree City United Methodist Church (USA), presented the training. STRIVE (Liberia) also supported. The training was conducted at Universal Outreach Foundation (UOF) facilties in Monrovia.

Over the last month, trainers, who were trained themselves, presented this program to parents and caregivers. It was the first Attachment Theory Training Program held in the country.

Today, the training finally ended and participants were certificated.

Success Forum remains grateful to all who were part of this project. The family strengthening program continues.

Photo Credit: Prezton Gonkerwon Vaye /Red Meets Green

Thanks to Red Meets Green, caregivers, parents and others are receiving training about Attachment Theory (AT) in Liberia...

Thanks to Red Meets Green, caregivers, parents and others are receiving training about Attachment Theory (AT) in Liberia.

This is very important for those who are taking care of children in various institutions, and parents who have to receive children back in the homes after spending time in care facilities.
The third week of the training was completed last Saturday, May 29.

On this day set aside to celebrate workers worldwide, we use the opportunity to thank the hard working people who are providing this opportunity to people in Liberia. Success Forum dedicates this space to you all. Thank you!

Photo credit: Prezton Gonkerwon Vaye /Red Meets Green

When your mind is made up, no matter your circumstances, you can reach your goal with hard work and determination. Norri...

When your mind is made up, no matter your circumstances, you can reach your goal with hard work and determination.
NorrisTennis Initiative is helping raise awareness about the benefits of playing tennis, even for those living with disabilities.

Success Forum fully support the work this nonprofit organization is doing in Liberia.
We hope others will join and support this wonderful initiative.

This is amazing work!

Photo credit: Norris Tennis Initiative

On Saturday, April 15, Red Meets Green and partners officially launched The Attachment Theory Training Program in Liberi...

On Saturday, April 15, Red Meets Green and partners officially launched The Attachment Theory Training Program in Liberia.
This training is yet another step in the organization's journey towards a safe and coherent family reunification program in the country.

As a result of poverty and other reasons, many children are taken in by orphanages and other caregivers. These institutions and individuals take the role of the family. In most cases it becomes their responsibility to cater to these children emotionally, psychologically and physically. Attachment Theory comes in handy because it teaches best practice in catering to children.

In the family reunification process, children are taken in by family members, who did not have the opportunity of being with the children from young age. In such cases, these family members should understand the different ways to interact with the children in order for them to grow and become responsible adults. How to observe when a child has problems, how to approach the child, how to solve problems, how to relate to the home environment, are just few of what these caregivers and family members will be learning. The organizers invited some underprivileged single parents, including widows, to be part of the training program. It is hoped that with the skills they will acquire, their families relationship will also be strengthen, and they could benefit for other assistance in the future.
For the next 5 Saturdays, these family members, caregivers and social workers will come together along with trainers to go through this rigorous (AT) curriculum.

Thanks to all social workers and organizations that are working to make this happen.

Photo credit: Prezton Gonkerwon Vaye /Red Meets Green

An Aspirant in the upcoming Presidential elections in Liberia, Madam Macdella Cooper, has vowed to do everything in her ...

An Aspirant in the upcoming Presidential elections in Liberia, Madam Macdella Cooper, has vowed to do everything in her power to assist in the rehabilitation of Liberian youths who have fallen victim to substance abuse.

During a visit to JoJo Hope House, Madam Cooper said her education and health programs capture young people who have been taken away by substance abuse. She described the project as "low hanging fruit", explaining that it is absolutely necessary that she supports such a program that is already doing very well, instead of starting an organization afresh.

Madam Cooper, who was listed amongst Africa's 100 most influential women, disclosed that she has been in conversations with individuals who are interested in helping in this area, and said everything will be done to bring these individuals to support the program. She stated that people around the world need to know about the program and lend their support.

Mrs. Josephine Kolubah, Founder of JoJo Hope House, an organization that is dedicated to helping rehabilitate young people who are victimized by the scourge of illicit drugs, was elated by the visit of the Presidential hopeful.
She said it was awesome to see that such an influential woman is interested in the work her organization is doing.

It is worth noting that JoJo Hope House has acquired a parcel of land, and will be launching a fundraiser in August to build the future home of the institution. We will be bringing more awareness about that as the months draw closer.

Photo credit: Coffee with JoJo

There are several activities that have been planned by Red Meets Green (RMG) and partners, along with social workers, fa...

There are several activities that have been planned by Red Meets Green (RMG) and partners, along with social workers, families and children.
As the family reunification journey of some selected beneficiaries continues, these activities scheduled for April 15 will officially see the Attachment Theory Training Program formally launched. For the next 5 Saturdays, families, caregivers and social workers will meet to cover an intensive training program, after which participants will be certificated.
Attachment Theory is fundamental in the family reunification program. After staying away from their families for a long time, it is important for parents to fully understand how to develop a relationship with children. It is also important for caregivers to understand how to deal with different children in their care.
These series of planned events promise to be inspirational.

RMG also partners with LIVE2540, to provide food and other non-food items to families who are in the reunification program. School fees, medical and psychosocial support are also provided for the time being. More to come later.
The family reunification program was initiated to bring children together with their families. RMG believes that the best environment for children to grow up and thrive is within the family.

The senior national football team of Liberia (Lone Star) traveled to South Africa to play in the qualifiers of AFCON. Th...

The senior national football team of Liberia (Lone Star) traveled to South Africa to play in the qualifiers of AFCON. The team picked a 2-2 draw. Many Liberians at home had huge expectations that the Lone Star would defeat South Africa on the return leg in Liberia. Unfortunately, the national team lost to South Africa. Some disgruntled supporters were seen pelting stones and hurling insults at the team while they left the stadium in their team bus.

In a conversation with Norris A. Ben, Founder and CEO of Norris Tennis Initiative (NTI), and drawing on the experience with the national football team he said; "the grassroot development of any sporting discpline is highly critical to it's success. Without development and support to sports, it will not be successful." He said the development is also connected to the "mindset of those involved with the sports." He indicated that "in general, preparation and funding is very necessary. Only someone who is playing sports without proper support can relate to what happened to the national football team." Ben went on to say; "you can not take players from around to play together without proper sports program".

As someone who struggled to play tennis himself without proper support, going as far as representing Liberia in a tournament in the region, and saw the level of development and support the other teams had, Ben said "I was sad to see the manner in which the players were treated by fans." He said if sports is to develop in Liberia, people have to change their mindset and approach to sports development.

NTI is a nonprofit organization that is helping to develop the game of tennis in Liberia. The organization is working with interested people and stakeholders, training and coaching anyone interested in learning, with key emphasis on young players.
The organization has been doing it's very best with limited resources it mobilizes from other entities and generous members of the public.

Speaking about the development of a positive mindset towards sports development, Ben stated that his work is sometimes made difficult by some who thinks he is doing this to gain position within the Tennis Federation.
Lately, NTI has hosted successful programs, including junior tennis tournaments.
Ben said; "people within the Tennis Federation are thinking that I am doing this to seek a position in the upcoming Liberia Tennis Federation elections". Ben made it categorically clear that his work has nothing to do with any such ambitions, that he habors no such intentions.
"I have been receiving calls with such inquiries, I think it is time I make this very clear." Ben said "it is my love for the game that is moving me to do the work I am doing."
He encouraged members of the public in general, and sports lovers in particular, to see the development of sports as something that happens overtime with much investment and support. He asked all Liberians to work together for the development of sports in the country.
The young CEO said there are lot of things his organization is working on, but it is only a matter of time for everything to become fully manifest.

Success Forum wishes NTI all the best. We will continue to support your work!

Photo credit: Norris Tennis Initiative/Founder and CEO

Vice President Kamala Harris of the United States has arrived in Ghana as she begins a visit to three African countries.

Vice President Kamala Harris of the United States has arrived in Ghana as she begins a visit to three African countries.

Monrovia Lounge DFW is an African Restaurant located in Dallas Texas. We featured the amazing work the owners were doing...

Monrovia Lounge DFW is an African Restaurant located in Dallas Texas.
We featured the amazing work the owners were doing, especially having to go through the COVID-19 period and a natural disaster that hit their State.
They went through these different situations and came out stronger.

We commend the owners for the wonderful work they continue to do.
Next time you in the Dallas area, be like , stop by and support an African Restaurant. They prepare sumptious dishes that will tantalize your taste buds, and host events as well.

Address: 9220 Skillman Street, Suite 227, Dallas Texas

In a participatory democracy, all constituencies are taken into account. As the electoral process takes off in Liberia b...

In a participatory democracy, all constituencies are taken into account. As the electoral process takes off in Liberia beginning with the registration of voters, it seems the National Elections Commission (NEC) is leaving out a particular constituency, either knowingly or unknowingly.

In a statement issued by Ambassador Abdullah Tani Konateh, Advocate for Deaf people and Co-Chairperson at Wubu Foundation for Deaf Children Development International, he elaborated on the fact that the Deaf community has not been taken into consideration in the voters education and the ongoing voters registration.

"The lack of sign language interpreters during the registration process is a significant barrier that prevents deaf people from accessing vital information", he indicated.
Speaking about the importance of having sign language interpreters, Ambassador Konateh says; "The voter registration ID cards are essential for every citizen to participate in the democratic process, including deaf people. However, the lack of sign language interpreters means that many deaf people will not understand the information on the cards. Additionally, some deaf people in rural areas may not be able to read and write, which makes it even more challenging for them to understand the registration process."
He went on to say that It is unacceptable that the government, through the NEC, have neglected the needs of the deaf community. "Deaf people are Liberian citizens and have the same rights as every other citizen to participate in the democratic process. The failure to provide sign language interpreters during the voter registration process is a violation of their rights."

Ambassador Konateh suggests that the government and the NEC should work with sign language interpreters during the voter registration ID card and general election. According to him, this will ensure that deaf people have access to the same information as their hearing counterparts and can participate in the democratic process. He added that, outreach activities should be conducted in rural areas to provide information to deaf people who may not be able to read and write.

"The lack of access to information and services for the deaf community in Liberia is a human rights issue that needs to be addressed. The international community should be made aware of this issue, and pressure should be put on the government and the NEC to take action. The government must take responsibility and ensure that the deaf community is not left behind in the democratic process," he said.

Liberia, like many countries, has a legal framework that protects the rights of people with disabilities, including the right to vote. The country's constitution recognizes the rights of every Liberian citizen to participate in the political process without discrimination. However, despite these legal protections, many people with disabilities, especially those who are deaf, continue to face exclusion from the political process.

To ensure that deaf people are included in the campaign, Ambassador Konateh provided the following measures for the organizers of the process:

Use Sign Language Interpretation:
One of the biggest barriers that deaf people face is a lack of access to information. Many people with hearing impairments rely on sign language as their primary means of communication. Therefore, it is essential to include sign language interpretation in all campaign materials, including video advertisements, posters, and leaflets. This will ensure that deaf people have access to the same information as their hearing counterparts. During the all press conferences sign language interpreters should be present and captured in video presentations.

Provide Written Materials:
Another way to promote social inclusion for deaf people is to provide written materials that are accessible to them. This could include providing information in large print, Braille, or electronic formats that can be read by screen readers. Providing written materials will allow deaf people to access information independently, and they can refer to them as needed.

Conduct Outreach Activities:
Organizers of the campaign should conduct outreach activities specifically targeting the deaf community. This could include visiting schools for the deaf, community centers, and other areas where deaf people gather. These outreach activities should provide information about the importance of voter registration and the registration process. This will ensure that deaf people have the opportunity to participate in the political process.

Partner with Deaf Organizations:
To ensure that the campaign is effective in reaching the deaf community, organizers should partner with organizations that work with deaf people. These organizations have the expertise and experience to design and implement outreach activities that are specifically tailored to the needs of the deaf community. Additionally, these organizations can help ensure that the campaign materials are accessible and appropriate for deaf people.

Success Forum expects that these concerns will be addressed by authorities concerned.
We hope that this will be considered by international partners who are providing funding for the conduct of fair elections.

Photo credit: Ambassador Abdullah Tani Konateh (+231777833528 / [email protected])


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