Since I am the first person to object to political commentary on social media, I will share this from my business page to other business pages I have (Manta, LinkedIn etc.) and only to my existing Facebook circle. I will begin with making my point right up front so readers will know whether they wish to read on or not.
As a citizen of the United States of America (3rd Generation) I would like to encourage this petition (link below) to impose term limits on ALL "lawmakers" who have free pay and free health for life if they so choose. as long as they do not have to live the way most of the population of this country does, there is NO reason for them to work for the "people" as they were elected to do so.
In my opinion, they work for themselves! Therefore, their priorities do not have to be anything other than, their political agendas, their personal feelings towards other "lawmakers." their quest to remain in office so the problems the rest of the population have do not apply to them and probably many other priorities that don't come to mind. (Add your own if you want)
I'm 60 years old and never thought that in my lifetime that I would be witnessing the fall of our Beloved Country. Who do I blame? All of us! Our greed, complacency, selfishness, agendas be it political, religious or just plain not having any regard for any other human being!
What our so called "lawmakers" fail to realize is as they destroy the United States of America, they are cutting not only our National throats, but their own. It will just take a bit longer.
As a voter, all I can do to effect my own individual change is to always vote incumbents out. Obviously this is a flawed method and it may not give a person who could actually be an honest "lawmaker" working for the people as the Constitution REQUIRES a chance to promote ideas that may work for the majority. Until there are term limits for these "Career Politicians" who have forgotten their job descriptions, I will continue to vote them out!
Now before closing this long winded essay, let me propose a question to everyone who has worked in the private sector at some point in their lives. There are job descriptions for all employees depending on their specific jobs. When an employee in the private sector fails to perform to the satisfaction of their superior(s), if memory serves, they are typically critiqued, then warned and finally FIRED! So does Bill Gates or the late Steve Jobs shut down the company? No! The replace the employees who are failing their tasks chronically.
All of our "lawmakers" from the very top all the way down to anyone who can keep there job in government without challenge need to be removed, immediately! ALL OF THEM!
When a so called "foreign" power wants to take over this country, they won't have to invade a colony, bomb a harbor or blow up any tall buildings, in my opinion we will be so bankrupt, divided, complacent and obsessed with our own agendas & greed, they just walk right in and even though I'm not a praying man, I have noticed that the "end of days" theory in the Bible does not included the United States of America! Petition Link: https://youtu.be/i9aSPrtUPQg