I live in the U.S.A., and on Thursday we have a national holiday called "Thanksgiving" here. Because feeling Thankful, and feeling Grateful are excellent feelings to experience, I thought I'd share an exercise that Marie Forleo shared on her podcast through her (free) email:
There was a study done, that 3 groups journaled daily what they are grateful for, 1 group wrote down 5 (different) things they are greateful for, one wrote down 5 specific things about one thing they are grateful for, and there a was a third group too, and the group that had the most Elation and apparently felt the best at the end of the study, that had the best effect, were those that wrote down 5 specific things about One thing they are grateful/thankful for. "Details=Dividends" ("dividends" is an investment term), Marie says. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you.!
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