On Purpose Conscious

On Purpose Conscious On Purpose Conscious :
Good Beliefs - Community - Friendship ;
Consciousness Is Delightful ! Win-win!

On Purpose Conscious is a very gentle self-awareness course that gives one access or awareness through consciousness exercises of one's own beliefs, one own's mind, and one own's "spirit" or "soul". The purpose of doing this practice is both to create an Enlightened Global Community, as well as to Create The Reality You Prefer.


Come schedule some On Purpose Conscious. For Sure at the very least we have exercises to quiet the mind.

One way to learn these exercises/techniques is we would agree upon scheduling a 5-hour stretch of time on a meeting app (can be Zoom or WhatsApp or GoogleMeet or Skype), or in person, where you Won’t be interrupted.

You would need a device with that app on it, or (because I am located in the USA) an American telephone number that we can call each other and/or text.

What you’ll get is a 5 hour session/course to show you these exercises (through a meeting app or in person).

What you’ll get with practice (you could go do yourself, say, weekly or as you prefer) is a 1-1/2 hour spiritual practice (you could do yourself) with exercise/techniques that will on purpose gently quiet the mind, give you more more emotional satisfaction and happier living inner peace. :-)

If you’re interested, please email me at [email protected] , or call or text 805-699-6414. This ad is On Purpose Conscious OPC Promo Lor001

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I live in the U.S.A., and on Thursday we have a national holiday called "Thanksgiving" here. Because feeling Thankful, and feeling Grateful are excellent feelings to experience, I thought I'd share an exercise that Marie Forleo shared on her podcast through her (free) email:

There was a study done, that 3 groups journaled daily what they are grateful for, 1 group wrote down 5 (different) things they are greateful for, one wrote down 5 specific things about one thing they are grateful for, and there a was a third group too, and the group that had the most Elation and apparently felt the best at the end of the study, that had the best effect, were those that wrote down 5 specific things about One thing they are grateful/thankful for. "Details=Dividends" ("dividends" is an investment term), Marie says. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving to you.!

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If you'd like to be my FBfriend in https://www.facebook.com/regina.o.rawner/ , please ask, if you have Already "Liked" this page. FB's algorithms and AI sometimes make No Sense (to a normal, rational, human), so, unfortunately, this Page might go away. !

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Buy my book on Amazon? I promise it could Really make your life better. !!!! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Book-Agreemen...

Buy my book on Amazon? I promise it could Really make your life better. !!!! https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Book-Agreements-Respect-Conscious/dp/B0CTQRDTNM My understanding is Amazon is having a special "Prime" Day that if you sign up for Amazon Prime in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the U.S.A, and the U.K., shipping would be Free. !

A series of concepts about the self, others, assumptions and agreements to help create trust in the world, and for you to be happier, and, at the very least, have more understanding.


Your beliefs shape what you intentionally are, what you think, how you behave. The practice of On Purpose Conscious works beliefs through relatively simple methods, and very safely. Schedule learning and practicing this stuff today with a message or an email. If you find yourself behaving in some ways that doesn’t feel right, you can get to the core beliefs, un-create or dis-create them, and create what you prefer. Then life reflects more of what you Prefer.

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Get in touch if you’d like to learn consciousness exercises, On Purpose Conscious, to “hear your Inner Voice”. Your “inner voice” is your conscience, and if you Don’t hear it, you may be “stuck in your head” rationalizing or justifying, while having an “inner voice” is a healthy, and assumed universal human experience.

I have a new edition of The Simple Book Of Agreements (I wrote) available now in hardcover : Understanding & Applying th...

I have a new edition of The Simple Book Of Agreements (I wrote) available now in hardcover : Understanding & Applying these concepts will make your life So much better ! at Amazon's book-seller: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTQRDTNM You can also pay at the Amazon.com ( .uk .de .fr .es .it .nl .pl .se ) site of your choice with American dollars, British pounds, German/Deutsche, French/français, Italian/italiani, Estonian/Eesti & Dutch/Nederlandse euros, Polish/polskie złote, and Swedish kronor. The Simple Book Of Agreements : How To Respect Other People In The World For Trust, by Regina "SG" Rawner & copyrighted

A series of concepts about the self, others, assumptions and agreements to help create trust in the world, and for you to be happier, and, at the very least, have more understanding.


Happy New Year 2024 from On Purpose Conscious!

Now available to buy is, "The Simple Book of Agreements: or: How to Respect Other People in the World For Trust", for $2...

Now available to buy is, "The Simple Book of Agreements: or: How to Respect Other People in the World For Trust", for $20.00USD for a limited time (normally $25.00 for the e-book), sent to your email. Please email [email protected] for a copy. With Appreciation and Love, SG(R)
This book has some amazing concepts that, when applied to your life, makes more sense and understanding available in all your relationships with others! 🙂. !


Happy New year 2023! May you and we all have loving creations !


Wishing everyone greetings of the season! And Happy New Year 2023!

Now on Pre-Order, you can buy my e-book "Two To The Seventh Power: The Practice Of Spiritual Economics Exercises", for $...

Now on Pre-Order, you can buy my e-book "Two To The Seventh Power: The Practice Of Spiritual Economics Exercises", for $29.00USD , sent to your email. Please email [email protected] for a copy. With Love, SG(R)

This diagram demonstrates how if you took a penny, and doubled it for 30 (or 31) days, at day 30 you would have more than $5,000,000, more than $5 million dollars. You can do the same thing with your GOOD INTENTIONS. ! :-). !


Wishing everyone a great summer (Northern hemisphere folks) or a good winter (Southern hemisphere folks). If you're in outer space, I wish you a safe return to earth. !


On Purpose Conscious has exercises you can learn which provide gentle, natural emotional relief. Rather than make decisions and reacting from being upset, you can resolve these misalignments in yourself, and then create what you prefer :-) in alignment with your higher self, which is also your conscience, or in alignment with qualities you strive for and admire.


Learn how to access your soul to do good in the world, through using the On Purpose Conscious exercises. For more info and exchanges or prices, email [email protected] or text 707-408-2604


Come learn some On Purpose Conscious exercises to quiet the mind, create what you prefer, discreate what you don't prefer, and for experiential presence happenings: in your Self. !

And, in honor of Western Easter (Orthodox Easter is next week), I am sharing yet 1 more insights from my book titled, "T...

And, in honor of Western Easter (Orthodox Easter is next week), I am sharing yet 1 more insights from my book titled, "The Simple Book Of Agreements: or, How To Respect Other Peopler In the World For Trust", written by me, R "SG" Rawner. To get an e-copy of the whole book, email [email protected] with the subject line: purchasing book


617 Broadway Unit 743
Sonoma, CA





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