Our Playeur Channel continues to grow. It looks like we'll be going into 2025 with over 85K views, nearly 250 followers and 143 individual videos within a number of narrative, educational and influencing web series. There are also, independent films and short trailers to introduce them.
The first entry of 2025 will be the audio/visual adaptation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's short story, "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man." Truly a Cleberg Studio production, with performances by Frank Cleberg, Cora Cleberg, Elliot Cleberg, Kim Cleberg and Steve Cleberg. A part of the web series Poe's Tales, look for it's release in early 2025. The story: A man bent on self-destruction has a series of experiences that he believes could have only occurred in a dream. However, the results of this vision make him rethink the nature of existence. Look for it's release in January.