Nymphaeia Ascencia by Ziyathelotus

Nymphaeia Ascencia by Ziyathelotus I am a divinity and strengths life coach teaching you to manifest the life you want.

It is my birthright. It is my destiny. If you’re my tribe hold me accountable but help me keep the crown straight. Hotep

It is my birthright. It is my destiny. If you’re my tribe hold me accountable but help me keep the crown straight. Hotep

Kamite ou Kemite sont des mots employés aujourd'hui par beaucoup de gens depuis que les noirs (africains et afrodescendants) prennent conscience de leur véritable histoire qui leur a été cachée pendant longtemps. Ce terme est même devenu le nom de tout un courant de pensée dont le centre est l'Afrique et les choses africaines.
Il existe d'autres termes aussi pour qualifier ce courant. C'est pourquoi d'autres parlent de panafricanisme et de panafricanistes, d'autres parlent d'afrocentricité, et d'afrocentriques, d'autres parlent (par méconnaissance des termes) d'afrocentrisme et d'afrocentristes, etc..

Avant toute chose il faut savoir que ces mots Kamite, Kemite, Kemitisme, etc... sont des créations formées a partir du terme Kam ou Kem, terme signifiant " noir " en langue africaine ancienne de la période pharaonique. C'est un terme que nos ancêtres utilisaient pour se designer eux-mêmes en ce qui concerne leurs différences physique (couleur noire de la peau) par rapport aux autres peuples qu'ils ont connu dans l'antiquité.
Il existe maintenant de plus en plus de noirs qui se font appeler kamite car ils estiment que ce nom est lié a une histoire importante, et est plus valorisant que les mots comme " black ", " africain ", etc.. D'autres se font aussi appeler Kamite afin de marquer leur conscience historique retrouvée ou leur retour aux valeurs ancestrales.

Mais le problème posé est le suivant : Dans cette mouvance il existe aussi beaucoup de dérives, car d'autres se font appeler Kamite comme si c'est une mode ou un phénomène de mode, ou comme si c'est un jeu.. Il existe aussi beaucoup de dérives, notamment dans les rapports entre les noirs et les autres peuples. Voila pourquoi il est nécessaire de faire des précisions.

Alors qu'est qu'un kemite ou Kamite ?

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui, les premiers ont inventé tous les éléments de la civilisation et qui les ont transmis aux ancêtres des autres peuples en les civilisant.
En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui les premiers, ont guidé l'humanité sur la voie de la civilisation.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui les premiers, ont inventé la philosophie, les sciences, le calendrier, les mathématiques, etc. et avaient plein de savants (Imhotep,., etc..) c'est pourquoi un Kamite doit comme ses ancêtres, faire de la science et la recherche afin d'être un savant dans le sillage de ses ancêtres.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui avaient un système de valeurs basés sur la Maat c'est-à-dire la vérité, la justice, l'harmonie, et l'ordre. Un Kamite se doit donc d'être droit, juste, et ordonné et serviteur de la vérité.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui n'étaient pas des racistes, mais qui respectaient tous les peuples. C'est pourquoi ils n'ont pas rejeté les ancêtres des autres peuples mais qui ont accueilli les ancêtres de nombreux peuples sur leur sol et ont essayé de vivre en harmonie avec eux... C'est pourquoi un Kamite ne doit pas être un raciste, ou détester tel ou tel peuple, mais doit chercher plutôt à se faire respecter par les autres peuples et respecter les autres peuples.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui connaissaient leur histoire et leurs valeurs et qui en étaient fiers. Un Kamite se doit donc de connaitre son histoire et ses valeurs et d'en être fier.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui cherchaient en toutes choses le progrès, le perfectionnement , les améliorations, par un travail et une réflexion de tous les instants. Un Kamite ne doit pas etre un paresseux, mais doit donc aimer le travail, et chercher le progrès des choses tout le temps.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui défendaient leur sol contre les agressions extérieures. Un Kamite doit donc aimer et défendre sa terre, c'est-à-dire son continent.

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui ont inventé plein choses qui ont servi a l'humanité tout entière par la suite. Un Kamite se doit donc d'être un inventeur, etc..

En portant le nom de Kamite, un noir qui se donne ce nom veut montrer par la qu'il a pour idéal de ressembler a ses ancêtres qui connaissaient Dieu et qui ont marché avec lui pendant des millénaires en ne reniant jamais les ancêtres que Dieu leur a donné. Un Kamite se doit donc d'honorer les ancêtres par qui Dieu l'a fait passer et se doit de se mettre toujours a la lumière de Dieu.

Pou finir c'est Cheikh Anta Diop qui nous donne le meilleure définition possible du Kamite d'aujourd'hui lorsqu'il dit : " L'Africain qui nous a compris est celui- là qui, après la lecture de nos ouvrages, aura senti naître en lui un autre homme, animé d'une conscience historique, un vrai créateur, un prométhéen porteur d'une nouvelle civilisation et parfaitement conscient de ce que la terre entière doit à son génie ancestral dans tous les domaines de la science, de la culture et de la religion ".

" CHEIKH ANTA DIOP, " Civilisation ou Barbarie " (Paris. Présence Africaine, 1981).

Donc pour Cheikh anta diop ,

le Kamite est : " L'Africain qui a compris " le Kamite est :" un autre homme, animé d'une conscience historique " le Kamite est :" un vrai créateur, un prométhéen porteur d'une nouvelle civilisation " le Kamite est :" parfaitement conscient de ce que la terre entière doit à son génie ancestral dans tous les domaines de la science, de la culture et de la religion ".

Donc voila, pour être Kamite il ne suffit pas seulement d'avoir la peau noire ou de se donner des noms de pharaons. Le Kamite a donc du pain sur la planche. A ceux qui se disent Kamites,ou Kemites qu'ils sachent qu'ils doivent se mettre au travail car si nos ancêtres n'avaient pas compris, pensé, réfléchi, et agi, travaillé, ils ne nous auraient pas laissé toute cette grande histoire africaine et toutes ces importantes civilisations africaines devant lesquelles tout le monde s'émerveille!!

Si une personne se dit Kamite, mais est paresseuse, et ne veut rien faire, ne veut pas se battre, pour avancer et réussir, alors cette personne n'est pas Kamite

Si un personne se dit Kamite, mais ne fait rien pour l'Afrique, ne s'engage pas dans un projet, une action pour l'Afrique alors cette personne n'est pas Kamite

Si une personne se dit Kamite mais rejete sa culture ses traditions, ses ancêtres, ou ne cherche pas a les connaitre, a connaitre son histoire, etc.. Alors cette personne n'est pas Kamite

Si une personne se dit Kamite mais ne fait pas de recherches (comme ont peut le faire dans tous les domaines du savoir), ne fait pas œuvre de science afin de désaliéner ses frères, et afin de faire avancer les recherches sur l'histoire de l'Afrique, alors cette personne n'est pas Kamite.

Si une personne se dit Kamite mais est raciste, rejete quelqu'un sur la base de sa couleur de peau et se croit supérieure a autrui, alors cette personne n'est pas Kamite.

Donc voila, pour être Kamite il ne suffit pas seulement d'avoir la peau noire ou de se donner des noms de pharaons. Le Kamite a donc du pain sur la planche. A ceux qui se disent Kamites,ou Kemites qu'ils sachent qu'ils doivent se mettre au travail !!!

En tant que Kamites, nous devons bâtir de nouvelles pyramides, qui sont la pyramide de la santé, la pyramide de l'Éducation, la pyramide du progrès. Nos ancêtres nous on laissé des pyramides et plein de vestiges. et nous qu'allons nous faire ? nous devons travailler comme nos ancêtres afin de bâtir les pyramides d'aujourd'hui et de demain.


Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the  .  The rule goesThink itSee itBe itBelieve you deserve it...

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the . The rule goes
Think it
See it
Be it
Believe you deserve it
Prepare to receive it
Let's practice the with 555
Want more guidance cultivating a consistent magical lifestyle? Purchase the on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the  .  The rule goesThink itSee itBe itBelieve you deserve it...

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the . The rule goes
Think it
See it
Be it
Believe you deserve it
Prepare to receive it
Let's practice the with 444
Want more guidance cultivating a consistent magical lifestyle? Purchase the on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the  .  The rule goesThink itSee itBe itBelieve you deserve it...

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the . The rule goes
Think it
See it
Be it
Believe you deserve it
Prepare to receive it
Let's practice the with 333
Want more guidance cultivating a consistent magical lifestyle? Purchase the on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the  .  The rule goesThink itSee itBe itBelieve you deserve it...

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the . The rule goes

Think it
See it
Be it
Believe you deserve it
Prepare to receive it

Let's practice the with 222

Want more guidance cultivating a consistent magical lifestyle? Purchase the on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

We’re all about the   on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer...

We’re all about the on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer spotlight. If you have services and products you’d like reviews for, send us some samples! Must be a member of the Khepera Kollective Facebook group to be featured!

This week’s spotlight goes to Mardae Weaver. A true alchemist in every sense of the word, I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing his reiki services and let me tell you, just by being in his presence as a woman with many gender wounds, I’ve been able to purge. The healing gets even deeper with the reiki however. My inner child has always yearned to know what it feels like to be safe in the presence a strong masculine energy without being preyed upon. He restored my faith in black male healers, and his weekly bonfires stoke my inner flame and encourages me to let my petals bloom more often.

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the  .  The rule goesThink itSee itBe itBelieve you deserve it...

Affirmations are a tried and true ritual used to practice the . The rule goes

Think it
See it
Be it
Believe you deserve it
Prepare to receive it

Let's practice the with 111

Want more guidance cultivating a consistent magical lifestyle? Purchase the on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

We’re all about the   on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer...

We’re all about the on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer spotlight. If you have services and products you’d like reviews for, send us some samples! Must be a member of the Khepera Kollective Facebook group to be featured!

This week’s spotlight goes to Mystic Storm, a master reiki practitioner and tarot reader who has really helped me release heavy waves of grief brought on by the loss of my mother as well as the breaking of other family ties. Because of the work we’ve done together, I was able to wash away the callouses on my broken heart and keep going in a time when everyone would have understood if I chose to quit.

We’re all about the   on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer...

We’re all about the on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer spotlight. If you have services and products you’d like reviews for, send us some samples! Must be a member of the Khepera Kollective Facebook group to be featured!

This week’s spotlight goes to Chakra Shay. An all around healer and intuitive who is just very down to earth, I was able to experience her services recently, and the messages she was led to provide helped me to get more consistent with my dream journal, communicate more authentically, and trust my intuition more. It has been a real confidence boost as a spiritualist to be able to quiet the naysayer within and trust what my body and spirit is telling me what I know to be true.

WHEN PARENTS GET OLD ... Let them grow old with the same love that they let you grow ...Let them speak and tell repeated...

WHEN PARENTS GET OLD ... Let them grow old with the same love that they let you grow ...
Let them speak and tell repeated stories with the same patience and interest that they heard yours as a child ...
Let them overcome, like so many times when they let you win ...
Let them enjoy their friends just as they let you …
Let them enjoy the talks with their grandchildren, because they see you in them ...
Let them enjoy living among the objects that have accompanied them for a long time, because they suffer when they feel that you tear pieces of this life away ...
Let them be wrong, like so many times you have been wrong and they didn’t embarrass you by correcting you ...
LET THEM LIVE and try to make them happy the last stretch of the path they have left to go; give them your hand, just like they gave you their hand when you started your path! (“Honor your mother and father and your days shall be long upon the earth”.) - God


We’re all about the   on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer...

We’re all about the on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer spotlight. If you have services and products you’d like reviews for, send us some samples! Must be a member of the Khepera Kollective Facebook group to be featured!

This week’s spotlight goes to the Copper Queen herself owner of Goddess On The Rise. She offers tarot readings, rune readings, and sells adorable copper pieces. I’ve purchased with her several times, but my most recent purchase has truly been beneficial. This adorable copper necklace adorned with turquoise has been clearing out my sinuses and my gut for the past two weeks. It was the perfect purchase to usher me into the new moon granting me the courage to open my heart and speak my truth


Millennials it’s our time to pass down the culture and you can have fun doing it!

The Khepera Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the heart chakra. ...

The Khepera Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the heart chakra. Each product contains hypoallergenic materials, essential oils and herbs that align the chakra.

Khepera is the Kemetic term for the heart chakra. It associated with the Geb and Nut on the Kemetic Tree of life. Each set is infused with reiki energy and transformational properties of these deities.

Each set even has a playlist you can scan and access through QR code and mini ritual cards to guide your meditation. Available now on Etsy. Link in bio.

The Ab(Ob) Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the solar plexus ch...

The Ab(Ob) Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the solar plexus chakra. Each product contains hypoallergenic materials, essential oils and herbs that align the chakra.

Ab is the Kemetic term for the solar plexus chakra. It associated with the Geb and Nut on the Kemetic Tree of life. Each set is infused with reiki energy and transformational properties of these deities.

Each set even has a playlist you can scan and access through QR code and mini ritual cards to guide your meditation. Available now on Etsy. Link in bio.

The Tekh Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the Sacral chakra. Ea...

The Tekh Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the Sacral chakra. Each product contains hypoallergenic materials, essential oils and herbs that align the chakra.

Tekh is the Kemetic term for the Sacral chakra. It associated with the Asar and Auset on the Kemetic Tree of life. Each product is infused with reiki energy and transformational properties of these deities.

Each set even has a playlist you can scan and access through QR code and mini ritual cards to guide your meditation. Available now on Etsy. Link in bio.

The Sefkhet Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the root chakra. E...

The Sefkhet Candle is a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps that work with the root chakra. Each product contains hypoallergenic materials, essential oils and herbs that align the chakra.

Sefkhet is the Kemetic term for the root chakra. It associated with the Seth and Nebthet on the Kemetic Tree of life. Each set is infused with reiki energy and transformational properties of these deities.

Each set even has a playlist you can scan and access through QR code and mini ritual cards to guide your meditation. Available now on Etsy. Link in bio.

The Smai Tawi Chakra line of candles is perfect for morning and evening meditation. Each candle features carefully curat...

The Smai Tawi Chakra line of candles is perfect for morning and evening meditation. Each candle features carefully curated essential oils and fragrances specifically designed to balance the chakra. They are a part of a larger kit that contains teas, bath salts, and soaps with same purpose. Each set even has a playlist you can scan and access through QR code and mini ritual cards to guide your meditation. Available now on Etsy. Link in bio.

We’re all about the   on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer...

We’re all about the on Tuesday in the Kollective, so spread the goodness of our fellow healers with the trusted healer spotlight. If you have services and products you’d like reviews for, send us some samples! Must be a member of the Khepera Kollective Facebook group to be featured!

This week’s spotlight goes to our co-founder Katrisha Gibbs. She is the resident social alchemist of the Kollective and teaches influencers how to expand their reach into 7 figures AND earn thousands of dollars a month through monetization on your creator profile. She’s currently earning her diploma in holistic health, a journey inspired by a desire to find holistic cures for her personal health journey.

It’s another   in the  Kollective and today we’re exploring the sign of cancerDates: Cancer falls between June 21st and ...

It’s another in the Kollective and today we’re exploring the sign of cancer

Dates: Cancer falls between June 21st and July 22nd approximately. The exact dates can vary slightly from year to year.

Symbol: The symbol of Cancer is the Crab .

Ruling Planet: Cancer is ruled by the Moon ☽. The moon is associated with emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. This is believed to influence Cancers' emotional depth and sensitivity.

Element: Cancer is a Water sign alongside Scorpio and Pisces. Water signs are known for their emotional intuition and connection to the unconscious.

Modality: Cancer is a Cardinal sign . Cardinal signs are considered initiators and go-getters. They possess a drive to take action, especially when it comes to matters they care about.

Positive Traits:

Empathetic and nurturing: Cancers are known for their deep well of compassion and ability to connect with others on an emotional level.
Intuitive and perceptive: Their connection to the moon is said to grant them strong intuition and a keen ability to pick up on the feelings of others.
Protective and loyal: They fiercely protect those they love and form strong, lasting bonds.
Imaginative and creative: Cancers have a rich inner world and can be quite creative.
Tenacious and determined: When they set their mind to something, they can be quite persistent.
Negative Traits:

Overly sensitive: Their emotional depth can make them easily hurt or offended.
Moody and clingy: Cancer's emotional fluctuations can sometimes lead to mood swings and possessiveness.
Overprotective and controlling: Their desire to protect loved ones can turn into controlling behavior.
Holding onto the past: Cancers can struggle to let go of the past and may dwell on negative experiences.
Prone to self-pity: Their sensitivity can sometimes lead to self-pity when things don't go their way.


It feels so good to finally have this together and in order. Took me two years to build it, but this is something I believe in and I have proven results. Come on and join the Transcendence Journey.


I talk about this on my first episode of back office hacks. This man is known as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of ou...

I talk about this on my first episode of back office hacks. This man is known as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time. He started the first general education board, invested $120+ over the course of 60+ years and empowered an entire generation of bigots with titles and skills they believe made them better than melanated people while they were out terrorizing black owned businesses and massacring entire communities. If you are a black business owner and want some history and updated facts about laws that affect you check the episode on YouTube!

It’s    in the Khepera Kollective gods and goddesses!Birthdays fall . **Gemini (May 21 - June 20):** This sign is Expres...

It’s in the Khepera Kollective gods and goddesses!

Birthdays fall . **Gemini (May 21 - June 20):**

This sign is Expressive, adaptable, and communicative.

It’s ruled by the planet Mercury and falls in the 3rd house of communication.

This sign is represented by the twins who are able to see any situation from all sides. This makes them very lethal because their communication style is able to adjust for the situation. While in one instance the gift of gab can be used for good, in another it can be used as trickster energy. This sign is also known for large and swift shifts in mood because of its dual nature.

If you want more detailed guidance in astrology, join us in our Facebook Group the Khepera Kollective


So this happened at the

I had been working on my product line for a few weeks and finally got most of it together for sale to the public. I had set a goal to actually vend at the festival this year, but this ankle had me afraid to try.

Anyway I figured I could at least share my creativity with the keynote speaker The Jasmine’s Garden. She was so gracious and receptive! You can shop for your set on Etsy at


 Lotus Rising co-hosted its first healing circle in partnership with  mone of Mystic Storm Botanica and it was an entire...

Lotus Rising co-hosted its first healing circle in partnership with mone of Mystic Storm Botanica and it was an entire vibe. Our guests got to explore the inner workings of their inner child to the backdrop of an intimate and beautifully decorated space teaming with feminine energy while they sipped wine, enjoyed vegan friendly hors d’oeuvres, & engaged in a series of ritual demonstrations specifically curated for the inner child. They also got
-an electronic guidebook for the inner child
-a goddess candle
-empress tea

To receive updates on the next event, join the movement at www.riseofthegcode.com

Check out Ziyá's video.


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In Kemeticism this is called Smai Tawi

In Kemeticism this is called Smai Tawi


If y’all didn’t know I’m a   for  alliance and they’re starting their Freedom tour. Take the time to sign up. I did

If y’all didn’t know I’m a for alliance and they’re starting their Freedom tour. Take the time to sign up. I did

Interested in volunteering? The Equity Alliance needs YOU! We welcome relentless, passionate TEAm members who are willing to give their time and talents to ensure we build power for our communities and make democracy work for us. Sign up to volunteer!!! Volunteer training is required in order to par...


Favorite comment….”vegan remix” 😂😂


100 N. Lowry Street
Smyrna, TN


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