To support and affirm the diverse identities and lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people. What we offer:
- Programming about LGBTQI
- Books
- Movies
- Documentaries
- Television Series
- Conversation
- And a safe space to hang out
Student Organizations: RockOUT is the student lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and ally organization at Slippery Rock Universi
ty. An ally is a self-identified straight individual who supports members of the LGBTQI community through friendship and advocacy. Members of RockOUT educate the campus and the community on LGBTQI issues. All information shared at RockOUT is held in confidence. Every first time attendee is required to sign a Confidentiality Form stating they will not share personal information disclosed at meetings. www.facebook.com/rockout.sru
Respect for Individuals in the Community:
Slippery Rock University provides an environment that respects, encourages, and promotes the talents and contributions of all. Slippery Rock University values a community with a shared sense of purpose, where people demonstrate mutual respect and appreciation. Slippery Rock University values diversity that honors and includes all persons regardless of age, creed, disability, ethnic heritage, gender, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in academic and extracurricular endeavor, in the working environment and in the daily life of the University community.