Freezing temperatures are expected across Louisiana this week. Now is the time to prepare. Here are tips for protecting your winter vegetables:
Although winter vegetables are generally hardy, new plantings may need to be protected from hard freezes as will certain vegetables near or at harvest stage. If temperatures below 30 degrees F are predicted, young seedlings should be covered with a layer of loose mulch, sheets or tarps. The cover may remain over the plants for a few days, but remove it as soon as the freezing episode is over.
Even though the plants are hardy into the teens, broccoli and cauliflower heads are tender. Also, the leaves of lettuce and the leaves and flowers and pods of peas may be damaged by hard freezes in the mid to low twenties. Although protection with covers is an option, the gardener should consider harvesting all mature and nearly mature produce before a major freeze.
The following lists will give you a quick guide to the ability of some vegetables to endure freezes. Remember that such factors as the age of the plant, prior weather conditions and the location of the plants are also factors in addition to the temperatures.
Protect or harvest if temperatures are predicted to go below the mid to upper twenties: fava beans, broccoli heads ready to harvest, cauliflower heads ready to harvest, lettuce and peas.
Will tolerate temperatures down to the mid to low twenties with little or no damage: Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, mustard, spinach, radishes and turnips.
Will survive temperatures in the low twenties and teens: beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, collards, garlic, onions, parsley, leeks and shallots.
Prepared by: Dan Gill, LSU AgCenter, Consumer Horticulturist (Retired)