Calendar of Events:
11-2 Salvation Army Little Store open
Noon Health Needs and Human Services Commission, Harrigan Centennial Hall
Noon White Elephant Shop open
Noon AA, St. Peter’s basement, call AA hotline 747-8866 for information
4:30 p.m. Sitka Parkinson’s Support Group, 1212 Seward Ave. (the old BOQ) 907 747-3461
6 p.m. Christmas Bird Count planning meeting, Alaska Raptor Center
6 p.m. Community Holiday Sing-Along, Miner Music Center on the SJ Campus
6 p.m. Sitka Fish and Game
Advisory Committee, NSRAA and via Zoom, http://notice.alaska.gov/217809
7 p.m. Sitka Music festival annual meeting, Stevenson Hall on SJ Campus
7 p.m. Christmas Program, Classical Learning Center, at Assembly of God sanctuary
7 p.m. Planning Commission, Harrigan Centennial Hall
7 p.m. Sitka Sportsman’s Association Indoor Range open
7 p.m. AA, St. Gregory’s Church, 606 Etolin Street, info: 907-747-8866
6-8 a.m. MEHS Aquatic Center Pool Open
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Holiday Senior Coffee Social, Swan Lake Senior Center, info: 907 738-4315
11-2 Salvation Army Little Store open
Noon AA, St. Peter’s basement, AA hotline 907-747-8866 for information
Noon Alanon Zoom, [email protected], for login info
Noon White Elephant Shop open
6-8 p.m. Adult Geography Quiz, Sitka Public Library, info: 907 747-4028
6:30 p.m. Women’s AA, Unitarian Fellowship Hall, AA Hotline 907 747-8866
7 p.m. AA, St. Peter’s basement, 611 Lincoln Street, AA hotline 907-747-8866
Noon AA, St. Peter’s basement, call AA hotline 907-747-8866 for information
5:30 p.m. NA Meeting, St. Peter’s Church basement
7 p.m. AA, St. Peter’s basement, 611 Lincoln Street, hotline 907-747-8866
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