We are proud and excited to sponsor the ResGen Men's Summit 2022!
The speaker lineup is the best ever and it will certainly be the biggest Men's Summit yet!
Grab your ticket or signup to be a host anywhere in the country by going to --> https://resgen.org/events/mens-summit/
Congrats to one of our shining members of our Assisted Author Program, Melissa Vande Kieft!
She made it as high as #5 in a super competitive category on Amazon today and I couldn't be more proud of her and happy for her major project!
Here's a glimpse of her influencer packages she sent out and you can see some of the strategies behind this successful launch!
Congrats on your book and for using your story to impact the lives of many, Melissa! You're just getting warmed up!
Here's her book on Amazon, she's a great local author to support in the Sioux Falls/Brookings area :)
Amazon link --> https://www.amazon.com/Living-Wait-Delays-Life-Differently/dp/1734412771/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
#livinginthewait #throneauthors #bestseller
Why Authors FAIL with Facebook Advertising
This week's training for Throne Authors!
#Announcement coming Wednesday! Can’t wait to share these amazing people we are working with!!
An episode of Ask a Publisher with Sarah Werner when she was the best-kept secret in the Midwest! Sarah dove into podcasting early, created quality work when not many were paying attention and now she is a nationally recognized figure in podcasting and creating writing—congrats Sarah and thanks for all your inspiration!
#author #throneauthors #legacy #amwriting #writebetter #publishing #selfpublish #interview #legacywriter #podcasting
The Answer to Your Future is in Your Past
The answer to your future is in your past. When we feel like God is doing
something in our life, we tend to immediately look to the future. Where are you taking me, God? What’s coming next? But I would encourage you to look back first and trust that everything you need to move forward is already around you and within you. You have all you need, now.
#author #throneauthors #legacy #amwriting #writebetter #publishing #selfpublish #interview #legacywriter
How to Mentally Prepare Yourself For Writing Your Book
When mentally preparing yourself to write your book, the biggest question is: How can you get the most done on your book in the shortest time without sacrificing quality? Watch to learn the three-step process for making this a lot easier!
#author #throneauthors #legacy #amwriting #writebetter #publishing #selfpublish #interview #legacywriter
Common Challenges with Legacy Books
When you are interviewing, writing, or printing a legacy book for yourself or your family, there are always a few common challenges you may experience. In this video, I’ll cover six main challenges I see and how to overcome them. If you're in the process of doing a legacy book, I hope this helps or empowers you to see it through to the end! Keep moving forward.
#author #throneauthors #legacy #amwriting #writebetter #publishing #selfpublish #interview #legacywriter