Everything in the back of her mind, all of that professionality and maturity, kept trying to tell her that all of this was wrong. She could hear it echoing throughout her mind, but she tuned it out. It wasn’t because she didn’t care about what was right or wrong; she just didn’t agree with that part of her mind.
Using somebody was wrong, but they weren’t using each other. Showing favoritism was wrong, but she wasn’t doing that, either. Giving out favors for the wrong reason… She would never do that, either.
This wasn’t some type of quid pro quo. It wasn’t a negotiation, or even a real affair. There was no one they were going home to, expecting them to be faithful. The only ones that might look down on them were the ones who looked down at everyone from their long, pointy noses, just waiting to catch them in the act of something despicable.
-excerpted from Lily of the Valley by Jessica Horsley