This is the same Red Eyes Anomaly video but with commentary.
***Red Eyes Anomaly***
Masonic Lodge - Mitchell, SD
Here it is! Our "coup de gras"! Kelsey ended up taking this video unknowingly capturing whatever this is that manifested itself in front of the fireplace. What we do see is a prominent set of red eyes forming at the base moving upwards and then to the left of the fireplace.
We have analyzed this footage over and over and came to the same conclusion: This is exactly as you see it. These are red eyes. We can't explain why or what this is.
Normally in the Paranormal World, red eyes are a bad Omen. It's usually accompanied by dark and malicious behavior. However, there seems to be nothing that feels like that here. But through our Investigation of this place, our Word Generator did mention the words, "Satan" & "Possessed". Again, we did not feel anything dark or malicious in nature anywhere in this building.
We want you guys to be the judge of what you see. Either way, this is one hell of a capture and single-handedly one of the best pieces of evidence we have captured thus far.
Tell us what you think!!!
***Word Generator Response***
Masonic Lodge - Mitchell, SD
This video is of Kelsey and Tony heading down to the Boiler Room when they get a response on their Word Generator saying, "Kneel, Anthony". Wildly random but what makes this interesting is the fact that it was referring to Tony directly. We had asked the building administration last night what this could mean and they said it could be possible that past Masons may ask of this or "Take a Knee". This is also common practice from what we've read that during the Sword Ceremony of becoming a Knight's Templar is to be asked to kneel as one dones the sword across the shoulders of the person becoming a Knight. As well as "Taking a Knee" in respect for their fellow Brothers.
Kind of cool if this is what our Word Generator meant!
More videos to come!
Masonic Lodge - Mitchell, SD
This is a compilation of Orbs we managed to capture in a picture and in a few videos during our Investigation of the Masonic Lodge. The videos in the compilation are played twice, once at regular speed, the second slowed down. This is what we have found SO FAR. We still have more footage to go through but wanted to share these for now!
More videos to come! 👻
**Streak Anomaly**
More footage from The Back 40!
This one is interesting actually and we have no idea what it could be or what caused this. It looks almost like a camera flash but no one was over there nor did we have a camera set up pointing at us in that location.
Tell us what you think!
**Intelligent Flashlight Response Method**
We have a clip of our IFRM in the kitchen of The Back 40 of us asking the Entity if it was Male and to respond with a "Yes" answer by turning on the flashlight. The Entity obliged! Towards the end of the video, Tony had asked the same Entity if it would turn off the flashlight and once again it had obliged!
Those of you who watched our Live Feed got to see this in all of it's sweet paranormal glory! So happy for this footage and response!
**Also, we do apologize for swearing in any of our videos we post so please don't hold that against us 😬**
Tonight's the night we Investigate the infamous Masonic Hall right here in Mitchell, SD!
We will start around 8pm and will kick it off with a Live Feed before we start our Investigation right up to the point where the lights will go off and they lock us in for the night! But don't worry! We will keep you guys updated on the Investigation as we go along and we will do a Live Feed after we finish. So hopefully you guys are still awake by then. 😜
Much love, GWP 👻
This was taken at our recent investigation at the Back 40 in Mitchell. Can you spot it?